A Quote by Ezer Weizman

Anyone who says he is not emotional is not getting what he should out of life. — © Ezer Weizman
Anyone who says he is not emotional is not getting what he should out of life.
I think 'Jesus' is the most offensive word in anyone's life. When we mention Jesus, He is the only one who says 'I am God. I am holy. I am the only way to a truthful life.' No one - not Mohammad, not Buddha, not anyone says that they were holy, not anyone says that they were God, not anyone says that they faced the devil face to face and won.
Britain is rich in radicalism, and anyone who says that our society has drifted into fatalism and apathy should get out more.
I've never looked down on anyone who uses the system, but I believe that it's a temporary station in life and that we should all work toward getting off it. And once we get off it, we should pay back to that system.
Anyone who says network news cannot be profitable doesn't know what he is talking about. But anyone who says it must "always," make money is misguided and irresponsible.
Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.
Bono met his wife in high school," Park says. "So did Jerry Lee Lewis," Eleanor answers. "I’m not kidding," he says. "You should be," she says, "we’re sixteen." "What about Romeo and Juliet?" "Shallow, confused," then dead. "I love you, Park says. "Wherefore art thou," Eleanor answers. "I’m not kidding," he says. "You should be.
Getting out of the hospital is a lot like resigning from a book club. You're not out of it until the computer says you're out of it.
When anyone says to me, 'Can you keep a secret?' I say, 'Why should I, if you can't?'
Maybe you're getting into the rhythm of sailing life," says James. He looks out at the waves that are rolling in to lap against the dock. "You know, the tides going in and then out, the wind blowing east and then west, the high of a perfect day out on the water, the low of a thunderstorm or a wind that won't go your way.
I always choose songs that I have an emotional connection to, and I often feel myself getting very emotional when I sing.
Good marriages are built upon a combination of emotional love and a common commitment to a core of beliefs about what is important in life and what we wish to do with our lives. Speaking each other's primary love language creates the emotional climate where these beliefs can be fleshed out in daily life.
My heart goes out to anyone suffering a loss... be that physical, emotional, or financial, etc.
Junk love are relationships in which you know you're not getting the emotional nutrition that you need. You're probably wasting emotional calories on people who aren't giving you enough back.
By letting go of dieting, I free up mental and emotional room. I have more space, I can move. The pursuit of another, elusive body, the body someone else says I should have, is a terrible distraction, a side-tracking that might have lasted my whole life long. By letting myself go, I go places.
I do think I have an ability to record sensual and emotional facts and factoids, to construct a convincing surface of what life feels like, both physical life and emotional life.
'Mission' was a mind game. The ideal mission was getting in and getting out without anyone ever knowing we were there.
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