A Quote by Felix Baumgartner

I was crossing the English Channel with a carbon-fiber wing on my back. — © Felix Baumgartner
I was crossing the English Channel with a carbon-fiber wing on my back.
The English Channel is such a narrow little puddle, you cannot help wondering why no invader has succeeded in crossing it since 1066.
Going for constant growth is not actually delivering a decent standard of living and the prospect of your children having a better life than you do. That is the key thing that politics needs to deliver: a better life for your children. That's why people are taking their lives in their hands and crossing the Mediterranean and the English Channel.
In Russia we only had two TV channels. Channel One was propaganda. Channel Two consisted of a KGB officer telling you: Turn back at once to Channel One.
The human foot has bones and muscles and can balance back and forth. If you step and you maybe make a little mistake, your foot can compensate. But if I step in the wrong spot, my foot isn't going to compensate because it's just one piece of carbon fiber.
Each of us has capacities. The real trick is knowing the machinery of the boat in which you are crossing the channel.
They have an amazing proliferation of TV channels now: The all-cartoon channel, the 24-hour-science fiction channel. Of course, to make room for these they got rid of the Literacy Channel and the What's Left of Civilization Channel.
I would like to comment on the God fiber within each living thing. This essence, this fiber of love and grace, runs in every vein, no matter how deeply buried. Each person has a God fiber, whatever their actions or hurt they have caused you or others.
If you wake up in Moscow and put on the Science channel, it doesn't feel like an American channel, it feels like their channel. In fact, Discovery is Vladimir Putin's favorite channel.
Will a day come when our cars have carbon-fiber tubs, 18,000-rpm V-10 engines, and ground-effects tunnels? Perhaps, about the same time we have condos on the moon.
Clearly, the left-wing groups want to use this carbon theme as a tool for wealth redistribution.
Because I have an opinion, I have become public enemy number one to the Fox News Channel and the right wing.
We'd like to make it [bucky fiber] in a continuous fiber, roll it on a drum, and go fishing with it.
If you don't like carbon, if you want to be zero carbon, then you might as well shoot yourself, dry up and blow away because you are carbon.
To ensure maximal fiber intake and to identify true whole-grain products, do the 'flip-and-check.' Flip to the nutrition facts label and list of ingredients on the back, and check that the product has at least three grams of fiber per serving and that whole grains is first on the ingredients list.
America 2012: The Learning Channel has HoneyBooBoo, History Channel has PawnStars: and the Science Channel has PumpkinChunkin
While most vegetables are good sources of fiber, greens - especially the dark, leafy variety - are jam-packed with fiber and a ton of micronutrients.
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