A Quote by Fleur East

I normally hit the gym five times a week. I tend to do half an hour of cardio - on the treadmill or a spin class - then head for the weights. I do a lot of core work, obviously! — © Fleur East
I normally hit the gym five times a week. I tend to do half an hour of cardio - on the treadmill or a spin class - then head for the weights. I do a lot of core work, obviously!
If I can go every day of the week, that's great and I'll do it. Usually I can't, so it's about 4 or 5 times a week that I'll go to the gym. I just do cardio and make sure I tone. I love spin class and yoga and I work a lot on my legs and my abs and my arms.
Most of the time I meet my trainer at the gym and we do a lot of everything: weights circuit with cardio, football drills, sprinting with weights on the treadmill.
At the gym, I do full-body circuits with low weights and high repetitions, as well as four or five cardio intervals thrown into the mix. I put a lot of emphasis on core strength and flexibility training. I also do a lot of running in my free time. Anytime I can move my cardio outside in the sunshine, I do.
I go to the gym rather early with a workout pal. I get there at 7, or a little before, and do weights and a little cardio for an hour, five days a week.
I try to work out about four or five times a week. I'll do a little bit of cardio, half hour on the punchbag, or just go for a jog.
I love hot yoga. I go to a sculpt class with weights. That's really good for the core and it's obviously super hot. I love cardio bar. I'm not a big gym fan, so I like to go to classes.
What I do normally is I do the cardio, then I'll eat - protein shake, oatmeal, banana - then I'll hit the gym, and I'll be in the gym for two hours.
Hit the gym... Working out is the key to your life. All you need is a half an hour on the treadmill.
Before I got pregnant, I was doing Pilates a couple times a week, and I actually loved Pilates. I noticed a difference with my core, which is my problem area, so that was nice. For me, I don't do a lot of cardio. I lift more weights.
I think it is easier for thinner people to build on a frame once you get lean muscle. I get bored lifting weights at the gym, and it isn't enough as your body becomes stiff. So I train in different ways such as core training, cardio with weights, playing sports such as tennis, cycling, swimming and running 10 km once a week.
I try to walk at least three times a week for 40 minutes or an hour. I do it at the gym on the treadmill, or I go hiking outside.
Usually, if I'm coming to Europe, I'm on a boat for seven days, so I spend the seven days doing a bunch of things. I'll do cardio for an hour or an hour-and-a-half and weights, just light weights.
I go to the gym four times a week for 45 minutes to an hour without fail; I like using weights for muscle tone and the bike and rower for my heart rate. I do quite a lot of floor exercises.
Ideally, it would be five days a week, spending at least an hour at the gym doing cardio three of those days and resistance training all of those days. My cardio is typically interval training.
I aim for four workouts a week. I work out with a trainer once a week. Then, I take a circuit class twice a week. The fourth workout is random, depending on what I'm in the mood for - either a run, a spin class, or yoga.
I work out at home. I don't have a gym, but I use light weights. I do calisthenics, which is basically using your own body weight, like you do in yoga, to strengthen your core. I also do a bit of cardio.
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