A Quote by Florence King

Americans are so emotionally fragile that soon we will have to be carried around in plastic bubbles and fed with an eye-dropper. — © Florence King
Americans are so emotionally fragile that soon we will have to be carried around in plastic bubbles and fed with an eye-dropper.
I don't do well around the angry, bitter and emotionally fragile among us, which may eliminate 70% of the population.
Banning plastic bags so that people use paper bags or imported reusable bags that will end up in local landfills soon thereafter is not the only solution to our plastic bag challenge.
Relationships are like bubbles – they’re fragile.
Things are fragile, but we're all being carried and I think we're all on our path in that sense. As fragile as things are, we're still getting there.
Bubbles are weird things. They're not fragile. They're infinitely flexible. They're not what we think they are.
Time is like a river made up of the events which happen, and a violent stream; for as soon as a thing has been seen, it is carried away, and another comes in its place, and this will be carried away too.
Life is fragile, like the dew hanging delicately on the grass, crystal drops that will be carried away on the first morning breeze.
It's important for the Fed, hard as it is, to attempt to detect asset bubbles while they're forming.
I use ordinary soap bubbles, the dime-store stuff, two wands and a plastic straw.
We wield an enormous influence over the world through how we choose to vote and what we choose to buy. Again, it's the power of numbers. If voters hold their leaders responsible for doing something about global warming, it will get done. If most people refuse to buy products from companies that, for example, wrap products in more plastic than necessary, pretty soon the plastic wrapping will stop.
I'll tell you what me scares me is plastic. Plastic bags and plastic bottles and these things. Why does my water have to be in a bloody plastic bottle? The landfill and the ocean. And I don't know, I'm just terrified with the proliferation of plastic.
I could blow bubbles. Bubbles would solve any dilemma we face. If bubbles were president there would be no war.
If a good person does you wrong, act as though you had not noticed it. If we practice and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, soon the wholeworld will be blind and toothless.
Marriage is a plastic flower. Love is a real rose, but the real rose is beautiful in the morning; by the evening it is gone. Nobody can say when it will disappear, when the petals will start falling. Just a strong wind and it is no more, just a strong sun and it is no more. But the plastic flower will be there; come rain, come sun, come anything, the plastic flower will be there. In fact, plastic is the only permanent thing in the world.
Fighting is not the best way to win an argument. If carried to its ultimate conclusions, the old idea of "an eye for an eye" eventually ends in making everybody blind.
Public order is a fragile thing, and if you don't fix the first broken window, soon all the windows will be broken.
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