A Quote by Frances Hardinge

Brand a man as a thief and no one will ever hire him for honest labor - he will be a hardened robber within weeks. The brand does not reveal a person's nature, it shapes it.
Whatever you and your team decide your new brand will stand for, deliver on that promise. That's the only way you'll ever control your brand. And beware: brands always mean something. If you don't define what the brand means, your competitors will.
A campaign, like a brand, is not just a number of bits put together - a claim here, a pack shot there, a reason why somewhere else. If we try to produce it by the atomistic approach, we will end up with a sort of Identikit brand. It will be a perfect description of the structure of the brand, as the Identikit can describe the contours of the face. But it won't be the same thing. The brand will never come to life.
As an entrepreneur, one of the biggest challenges you will face will be building your brand. The ultimate goal is to set your company and your brand apart from the crowd. If you form a strategy without doing the research, your brand will barely float - and at the speed industries move at today, brands sink fast.
Microsoft Mobile Oy is a legal construct that was created to facilitate the merger. It is not a brand that will be seen by consumers. The Nokia brand is available to Microsoft to use for its mobile phones products for a period of time, but Nokia as a brand will not be used for long going forward for smartphones. Work is underway to select the go forward smartphone brand.
A miracle is the badge and brand of fraud. ... No intelligent, honest man ever pretended to perform a miracle, and never will.
Son, a man’d brand Is his own special mark That says this is mine, leave it alone. You hire out to a man, Ride for his brand And protect it like it was your own.
Anyone can replicate a product. There are lots of brilliant minds out there that know how to code, but there's unique DNA to a brand. You cannot have a brand without people. That is the most important asset you will ever have.
What makes the BJP or its government of Modi a brand for the elections - it is some content that makes the brand. Hollowness cannot create a brand, chest-thumping can't create a brand. Ultimately, the quality of the product creates a brand.
Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product.
Just build your brand from day one, man. Your brand is your name, basically. A lot of people don't know that they need to build their brand, your brand is what keeps you moving.
I always disagreed with the separation of the name and the brand and the person To build on that name and brand is one thing. To divorce the name and the brand from the person was not an approach that I agreed with.
The ant, who has toiled and dragged a crumb to his nest, will furiously defend the fruit of his labor, against whatever robber assails him. So plain, that the most dumb and stupid slave that ever toiled for a master, does constantly know that he is wronged.
A thief, though rich, will continue to steal, but an honest man, though poor, will ever seek to pay his debts.
I think what I love most about Oprah's brand that I would love to do with the Eva Longoria brand is she has purpose with her brand. Everything she does means something.
The closer a brand can cozy up to a consumer with a message along the lines of, 'We're all in this together,' the better off a brand will be.
If a brand will shy away from you because you dare to say that black lives matter, that's probably not a brand you want to work with anyway.
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