A Quote by Frances McDormand

One of the reasons I am successful as a producer is that I've been a very successful housewife. — © Frances McDormand
One of the reasons I am successful as a producer is that I've been a very successful housewife.
If a man can tell if he's been successful in his life by having great friends, then I have been very successful.
People always say, 'How is it to be so successful?' I'm not successful yet. Richard Branson is successful. That's successful. Michael Jackson was successful. U2 was successful. I'm just a guy, doing okay. But I'm a happy guy doing okay.
Being able to hear an artist and emulate them has been a huge part of being successful as a producer and co-writer. I think it's a problem when a producer comes in to work with an artist, and you can't hear the artist as well anymore. It's very important to me to be invisible.
We have made a decision in our economy to lower taxes on successful risk-taking and have been very successful relative to Europe and Japan.
Historically, Vietnam movies have been profitable. All of them. 'Platoon,' 'Full Metal Jacket,' 'Apocalypse Now,' 'The Deer Hunter.' You're looking at movies that have been not pretty successful, but very successful. The foreign numbers have been extraordinary.
If a coach gets behind Lonzo and has confidence in him, I'm cool. 'Cause that's when he's very successful. He's been successful in AAU, high school and college.
The hardest thing, as a producer, is to find a director who does the picture for all the right reasons, and not just because they know it's successful or that they can do a good job, but in their bones, they love that genre.
I do not think I am successful just because I have money. I'm successful because I love who I am and I have no regrets, and I'm successful because I have a great heart and I have compassion and I care and I would be happy with or without money.
When you're in youth development, you have to develop players - win or come in second. But the job where I am and the reality of our industry is to win to be successful, and that is what I have to do. I have to be successful, and I want to be successful, so we'll do everything we can do to win.
I want to be successful. Not just money. Just making a successful record and a successful show... I could feel successful without selling a million records.
Look at the teams that have been successful in the NBA. Yes, you have big, glamorous cities like L.A. But Miami has won, and so has San Antonio. Oklahoma City is a very successful team. They're not the biggest markets.
The Chinese government since 1979 has been very successful in economic development, and successful enough, simply by surviving, in the realm of political development.
Have you ever met a successful person who wasn't restless- who was satisfied with where he or she was in life? They want new challenges. They want to get up and go...and that's one of the reasons they're successful.
I'm not successful in Hollywood, and I probably would never be. I think Hollywood has such an interesting model for success, and it creates those successful people. I'm not in that chosen category, but what is successful for me is that, in spite of that, I've been able to work and do the things that I wrote down that I wanted to do and be.
Our popular government has often been called an experiment. Two points in it our people have already settled, the successful establishing and the successful administering of it. One still remains, its successful maintenance against a formidable internal attempt to overthrow it.
Jerry Bruckheimer really is an executive producer, who obviously is the most successful producer in the history of film and television.
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