A Quote by Frances Moore Lappé

Beauty is created by fellow human beings, and enhanced because they are in relationship with each other. — © Frances Moore Lappé
Beauty is created by fellow human beings, and enhanced because they are in relationship with each other.
I've learned to become a progressive man because I have four women in my life. And their mother, who I'm not married to anymore, but who impresses me because of our relationship. Because we have a very deep and friendly relationship that is completely about who we really are now. Before it was husband, wife, mother, father. But now it's about who we are as human beings. Because we didn't give up on each other. And because we didn't hurt each other and blister each other from a divorce. We became tight. Best friends. And more than that even, because now we're best parents.
Relationship between human beings is based on the image-forming, defensive mechanism. In our relationships each of us builds an image about the other, and these two images have relationship, not the human beings themselves.
A person is a person through other persons. None of us comes into the world fully formed. We would not know how to think, or walk, or speak, or behave as human beings unless we learned it from other human beings. We need other human beings in order to be human. I am because other people are. A person is entitled to a stable community life, and the first of these communities is the family.
Micromessaging -- communicating with other human beings through visual, audible, sublingual means, no doubt predates our ability to speak. We actually read micromessages quite naturally without thinking about them. You might say human beings read each other's micromessages subconsciously, in the same way that one dog understands another dog is unfriendly simply because the dog's fur is standing on end. The dogs read each other perfectly. It's not all that different for people.
Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness. All can know good as good only because there is evil. Therefore having and not having arise together. Difficult and easy complement each other. Long and short contrast each other. High and low rest upon each other. Voice and sound harmonize each other. Front and back follow one another.
I think Whitman more than any other poet possessed the gift of revealing to others the beauty of everything around us, the beauty of nature, the beauty of human beings.
The belief that the animals exist because God created them - and that he created them so we can better meet our needs - is contrary to our scientific understanding of evolution and, of course, to the fossil record, which shows the existence of non-human primates and other animals millions of years before there were any human beings at all.
A thirst for the infinite is indelibly present in human beings. Man was created to have a relationship with God; we need him.
The most important thing is to have a sense of responsibility, commitment, and concern for each of our fellow human beings.
Why do human beings find it so hard to live and let live? Countries are messing with each other. Religions are messing with each other. Castes are messing with each other; people mess with each other.
Racism, xenophobia and unfair discrimination have spawned slavery, when human beings have bought and sold and owned and branded fellow human beings as if they were so many beasts of burden.
No matter what the relationship is, if it's a healthy relationship, there is a swing back and forth to anchoring each other, grounding each other and to helping each other process the difficult times.
Human beings are communal beings and we can't exist or prosper by ourselves. We need each other's support.
We share the earth not only with our fellow human beings, but with all the other creatures.
Sober Thoughts' is a song about an unhealthy relationship I was in with a girl, where we would continue to mistreat each other, to spite each other. We were bad for each other, yet we always came back together, because we thought we 'loved each other.' It was a young love, not a forever love.
Human beings are special, of higher dignity and worth than other animals, because they're created in God's own image and likeness. It's actually true humanism.
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