A Quote by Francis Quarles

Scandal breeds hatred; hatred begets division; division makes faction, and faction brings ruin. — © Francis Quarles
Scandal breeds hatred; hatred begets division; division makes faction, and faction brings ruin.
We must stifle the voice of hatred and faction.
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.
There's the National Organization for Women feminist faction, there's the NAACP liberal African-American faction, there's the La Raza Hispanic faction. They're pitted against each other and it runs so contrary to the E pluribus unum American middle class experience.
I love Tris the Divergent, who makes decisions apart from faction loyalty, who isn’t some faction archetype. But the Tris who’s trying as hard as she can to destroy herself … I can’t love her.
My parents did love each other. Enough to forsake plans and factions. Enough to defy “faction before blood.” Blood before faction--no, love before faction, always. - Tris Prior
Those who attempt to conquer hatred by hatred are like warriors who take weapons to overcome others who bear arms. This does not end hatred, but gives it room to grow. But, ancient wisdom has advocated a different timeless strategy to overcome hatred. This eternal wisdom is to meet hatred with non-hatred. The method of trying to conquer hatred through hatred never succeeds in overcoming hatred. But, the method of overcoming hatred through non-hatred is eternally effective. That is why that method is described as eternal wisdom.
Tis much when sceptres are in children's hands, But more when envy breeds unkind division: There comes the ruin, there begins confusion.
When fear displaces reason, the result is often irrational hatred and division.
The more we preach hatred, division and putting up a wall, the less we progress.
If religion becomes a cause of dislike, hatred and division it were better to be without it.
Equality of two domestic powers Breeds scrupulous faction.
Do I need to argue to Your Honor that cruelty only breeds cruelty? That hatred only causes hatred; that if there is any way to soften this human heart which is hard enough at its best, if there is any way to kill evil and hatred and all that goes with it, it is not through evil and hatred and cruelty; it is through charity, and love, and understanding?
Faction is to party what the superlative is to the positive. Party is a political evil, and faction is the worst of all parties.
By a faction, I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest... The latent causes of faction are sown in the nature of man.
Faction is the greatest evil and the most common danger. "Faction" is the conventional English translation of the Greek stasis, one of the most remarkable words to be found in any language.
We must bring unity of spirit and purpose and condemn hatred and division wherever we see it.
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