A Quote by Francois de La Rochefoucauld

It is difficult to like those whom we do not esteem; but it is no less so to like those whom we esteem more than ourselves. — © Francois de La Rochefoucauld
It is difficult to like those whom we do not esteem; but it is no less so to like those whom we esteem more than ourselves.
Honesty, disinterestedness and good nature are indispensable to procure the esteem and confidence of those with whom we live, and on whose esteem our happiness depends.
There are some surely whom you like and whom you dislike, for whom you entertain esteem and for whom you feel contempt? Have you not thought that you have some duties toward them, that you can aid them in leading better lives?
Those whom fortune has never favored are more joyful than those whom she has deserted.
A reformer should be exempt from the suspicion of interest, and he must possess the confidence and esteem of those whom he proposes to reclaim.
If you're self-compassionate, you'll tend to have higher self-esteem than if you're endlessly self-critical. And like high self-esteem - self-compassion is associated with significantly less anxiety and depression, as well as more happiness, optimism, and positive emotions.
We esteem in the world those who do not merit our esteem, and neglect persons of true worth; but the world is like the ocean--the pearl is in its depths, the seaweed swims.
Healthy self esteem is paying attention to how others make us feel, and then choosing those with whom we spend time.
We envy only those whom we feel ourselves to be like; we envy only members of our reference group. There are few successes more unendurable than those of our close friends.
We are better pleased to see those on whom we confer benefits than those from whom we receive them.
Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.
The higher our self-esteem, the stronger the drive to express ourselves, reflecting the sense of richness within. The lower our self-esteem, the more urgent the need to "prove" ourselves or to forget ourselves by living mechanically and unconsciously.
The difference between those whom the world esteems as good and those whom it condemns as bad, is in many cases little else than that the former have been better sheltered from temptation.
There is no pain equal to that which two lovers can inflict on one another... It is when we begin to hurt those whom we love that the guilt with which we are born becomes intolerable, and since all those whom we love intensely and continuously grow part of us, and since we hate ourselves in them, so we torture ourselves and them together.
... real pity should stretch out to people whom we do not like -- to those whom we have injured or who despitefully use us.
Modern cynics and skeptics... see no harm in paying those to whom they entrust the minds of their children a smaller wage than is paid to those to whom they entrust the care of their plumbing.
It is certain that those who have the living faith in their hearts see at once that all existence is none other than the work of the God whom they adore. But for those in whom this light is extinguished, [if we were to show them our proofs of the existence of God] nothing is more calculated to arouse their contempt. . . .
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