A Quote by Francois de La Rochefoucauld

As we grow older we grow both more foolish and wiser at the same time. — © Francois de La Rochefoucauld
As we grow older we grow both more foolish and wiser at the same time.
In time we grow older, we grow wiser, we grow smarter, and we're better. And I feel like I'm becoming more seasoned, although I don't have my salt-and-pepper hair.
It may be made a question whether men grow wiser as they grow older, anymore than they grow stronger or healthier or honest.
The grandest of all laws is the law of progressive development. Under it, in the wide sweep of things, men grow wiser as they grow older, and societies better.
Hopefully, every character that I take on, as I grow older, becomes more interesting. Obviously, as I grow older, I have more to bring to the table and more experiences that I've lived myself, so I'm hoping that I can color my characters, more and more.
What a fool I was! and yet, in the sight of angels, are we any wiser as we grow older? It seems to me, only, that our illusions change as we go on; but, still, we are madmen all the same.
We shall not grow wiser before we learn that much that we have done was very foolish.
The older we women grow, the more clearly we see what men really are: hypocrites, boasters, he-goats. The older men grow, the more they doll us up with every perfection.
I feel like girls in general will always worry about the same things, and it's all appearance related. That will always be there. When you grow older, you grow more confident with who you are.
Often the adult book is not for you, not yet, or will only be for you when you're ready. But sometimes you will read it anyway, and you will take from it whatever you can. Then, perhaps, you will come back to it when you're older, and you will find the book has changed because you have changed as well, and the book is wiser, or more foolish, because you are wiser or more foolish than you were as a child.
As one grows older, one becomes wiser and more foolish.
Women, as they grow older, rely more and more on cosmetics. Men, as they grow older, rely more and more on a sense of humor.
There's always time to grow older. You can never grow younger.
The old idea that you grow wiser as you get older, and you learn from your elders, is actually completely wrong.
As you grow older, your music begins to mature and grow older along with you.
When you're in a young band for the first time, geographically you're in the same place and you tend to go out and socialize. You play more shows, you spend more time together. You're a unit. As you grow older, inevitably you develop a life outside the band. I think it would be tragic if you didn't.
Some folks as they grow older grow wise but most folks simply grow stubborner.
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