A Quote by Frank Lampard

I have a lot of good football talk with cabbies, but when you want to get somewhere in a hurry, it can be distracting. I always know they're going to want to talk football if 'Talksport' is on the radio.
It's the biggest thing in the world in many ways, football. People don't want to talk about politics. They don't want to talk about religion. They want to talk about football - wherever you go.
You know that if you play football, you have to try to do the maximum, so I'm always doing the maximum for myself because when I retire from football, I want to sit down and think I did something good - I won this title, and I won this title. People will talk about what you have won, and that is the most important thing in football.
When I talk football with my friends, I don't talk about Tom Brady's hair. I talk about how he handles the blitz, or how he runs his offense. I talk as a fan. I don't want pink jerseys, and I don't want dumbed-down content. I want to be treated as a real fan - because I am proud to be one.
I have a great family. I can call them and they don't want to talk just football They want to find out how my day went outside of football.
Football was my saving grace so I want to let people know that you can achieve whatever you want. People like to concentrate on what you can't do, so let's preach what you can. Why would I want to talk about not being quick when I'm strong? That's what I want to get across.
Usually, if you're going to be a manager, you always want to talk about football and be a connoisseur of the game.
I normally don't initiate conversations with guys unless they want to talk about certain things - when I'm at the facility, I'm there to play football. If you want to talk about the meaning of life, games, whatever, I'm more than happy to, but when I'm in that building, I'm being paid to play football. Conversely, when I'm not at the facility, that's my life to live.
When I'm working, I want to be the best. But when I'm out, I don't want to watch games. I don't want to talk with everybody about football. I want to talk about life - about anything else.
We have to play football and not talk. We don't talk about politics, the personal opinions, and debates - you take them home. We only talk about football. That's what we are here for.
In no other country is football lived like it is in Italy, almost to the point of overkill. There is too much football on TV and in the papers, there is always talk about football during the week.
Some directors hand over portions of their movie to their head of department to the point where it's like, "I'm not going to talk to you about the costumes, but I'm going to let you talk to the expert." Rather than, "You want to talk stitching, let's talk stitching. You want to talk grade of leather? Let's."
I don't go out and play football and stuff - that's not me. I want to think, I want to build, I want to talk, I want to create.
I want to play football, I love to play football so if that opportunity is not going to be given there [Manchester City] then I'm going to have to look elsewhere and may have to make somewhere else my home.
I don't regret giving up football for acting. I love football and am very proud I played for Morton. But the truth is, I wasn't going to get much higher in football. At the same time, I sensed I could go somewhere in acting. I'm 28, which is young for acting, whereas in football I'd now be near the end of my career.
If people are just trying to find things we get wrong or whatever because we're not doing enough facsimile of football, well, if you want a really good facsimile of football, what you should check out is football.
A lot of things create a distraction, and when you're on a quest as a football team you want to limit distractions. I'm very much on board with that because I am a football player, and things can be distracting. We have 53 people that we have to make sure aren't distracted, because we only have 16 turns to do it, so every one matters so much.
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