A Quote by Frank Luntz

If you just heard 90 percent of dentists recommend something, it's too statistical. Nine out of 10 says: Well, it's just virtually everyone. It leads you to think of that joke about the one dentist. But so much of communication.
I've found the 90-10 rule to be pretty true: 90 percent of what I come up with and write down is kinda 'eh,' and then somehow, someway, 10 percent of it happens to work out really great in my act.
War and famine would not do. Instead, disease offered the most efficient and fastest way to kill the billions that must soon die if the population crisis is to be solved. AIDS is not an efficient killer because it is too slow. My favorite candidate for eliminating 90 percent of the world's population is airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years. "We've got airborne diseases with 90 percent mortality in humans. Killing humans. Think about that. "You know, the bird flu's good, too. For everyone who survives, he will have to bury nine
Sometimes when I teach a student something that I think is really simple, I realize I'm teaching them something they can do 90 percent of really easily and the last 10 percent is going to take them 10 years.
If you are going to call out your teammates, you have to call out yourself, too. You can't just separate yourself from the rest, because if you are going to get 90 percent of the credit when you win, you have to be willing to take 90 percent of the blame when you lose.
I don't waste too much time philosophizing about wealth, I just recommend it to everyone.
I would say I'm 90 percent collaborative in everything I do, and 10 percent of the time I just make the call.
Confidence is 10 percent hard work and 90 percent delusion, just thinking foolishly that you will be able to do what you want to do
Some street jokes are just timeless. There's an old street joke about comedians. The joke is that a beautiful girl comes up to a comedian at the end of the night and says, "I saw your show tonight, and I just loved it. I want to go home with you, and I'll do anything you want." And the comedian says, "Were you at the 7 or the 9?" That's just a perfect joke, because it points out how egomaniacal and obsessive comedians are. Even though I'm not waiting for a groupie, I can completely understand it. It just defines how comedians are driven.
I always tell people, 'Everything you’ve heard about Alice Cooper , you can believe maybe 40 percent of it. Everything you’ve ever heard about Keith Moon is true - and you’ve only heard 10 percent of it.'
We have this culture of financialization. People think they need to make money with their savings rather with their own business. So you end up with dentists who are more traders than dentists. A dentist should drill teeth and use whatever he does in the stock market for entertainment.
i love girls under pressure but wouldn't recommend it to people who are under 10. i read it at the age of nine but my sister told me the bit u should never do. all in all, i loved this book and any jacqueline wilson fans over 10 i would recommend it to!
In living life at 90 percent, the formula is life is 10 percent of what happens to you and 90 percent of how you react to it.
This 90/10 rule holds true in almost anything financial. Take the game of golf, for example. Ten percent of the professional golfers make 90 percent of the money.
Harpists spend 90 percent of their lives tuning their harps and 10 percent playing out of tune.
I am not a monster. I'm not all bad. Maybe 10 percent. I think I'm 90 percent good.
About 90 percent of the downtime comes from, at most, 10 percent of the defects.
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