The pressure of public opinion is like the pressure of the atmosphere; you can't see it - but all the same, it is sixteen pounds to the square inch.
The real power of a wolf isn't in its fearsome jaws, which can clench with fifteen hundred pounds of pressure per square inch. The real power of a wolf is having that strength, and knowing when not to use it.
Suggestibility varies as the amount of disaggregation, and inversely as the unification of consciousness.
I like to think that I offer more woman per square inch.
By such deductions the law of gravitation is rendered probable, that every particle attracts every other particle with a force which varies inversely as the square of the distance. The law thus suggested is assumed to be universally true.
The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts.
Let's hit the joke once and move on to the next joke and just keep it where we have as many jokes per square inch as possible.
Creativity varies inversely with the number of cooks involved in the broth.
Here in the United States we're now consuming about three gallons of petroleum per person per day. That's twenty pounds of oil per person per day. We only consume about four pounds of oxygen per person per day. We're consuming five times more oil each day, here in the United States than we are oxygen. We've become the oil tribe.
One’s concern with the ethics of means and ends varies inversely with one’s personal interest in the issue.
The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts - the less you know the hotter you get.
I love giving the golden shower. I've done it before in the shower. It's like so sexy, you know, the temperature of your body and the shower water is very different.
The well-being of individual persons in any society varies inversely with the money at the disposal of the political class.
We estimated that we could make one of four cylinders with 4 inch bore and 4 inch stroke, weighing not over two hundred pounds, including all accessories.
Cities have more “image of God” per square inch than anywhere else, and so we must not idealize the country as somehow a more spiritual place than the city.
Unborn children can experience pain even more so than adults as the baby has more pain receptors per square inch than at any other time in its life.