A Quote by Franka Potente

In most movies, they show you somebody who is perfect looks-wise, and skills-wise, and the movie doesn't give you a choice. — © Franka Potente
In most movies, they show you somebody who is perfect looks-wise, and skills-wise, and the movie doesn't give you a choice.
There is a lot of territory out there still to explore TV-wise, show-wise, movie-wise, everything.
I was born wise. Street-wise, people-wise, self-wise. This wisdom was my birthright.
Movie-wise, there is nothing I wouldn't do again. It's not possible to make one perfect movie every time.
We actually try our best to be non-biased, but for me, that was the best movie ["Sicario"], filmmaking-wise and storytelling-wise, and connected to me the most. I thought it was great.
Out of all those centuries the Greeks can count seven sages at the most, and if anyone looks at them more closely I swear he'll not find so much as a half-wise man or even a third of a wise man among them.
There's so much more that I want to do. Of course it's great what has happened so far: Ultra, Coachella, EDC. But still, production-wise and show-wise, I'd love to play a show at Madison Square Garden. Stuff like that is beyond my imagination.
A wise quote can only change a wise man! Therefore, wise sayings are for the wise men, not for the fools! The sunflowers turn their face toward the Sun, the fools, toward the darkness!
It is ignorance that is at times incomprehensible to the wise; for instance, he may not see 'the positive person' or 'the negative person' in a black and white way as many people do. A wise man may not understand it because, as a catalyst of wisdom, but not wise in his own eyes, even he can learn from and give back to fools. To think that an individual has absolutely nothing to offer to the table is counter-intuitively what the wise man considers to be 'the ignorance of hopelessness'.
Wise leaders generally have wise counselors because it takes a wise person themselves to distinguish them.
Wise kings generally have wise counselors; and he must be a wise man himself who is capable of distinguishing one.
Be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. And if you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is wise, and then just behave like they would.
[F]or as Socrates says that a wise man is a citizen of the world, so I thought that a wise woman was equally at liberty to range through every station or degree of men, to fix her choice wherever she pleased.
Far best is he who is himself all-wise, and he, too, good who listens to wise words; But whoso is not wise or lays to hear another's wisdom is a useless man.
I'm very positive - music-wise, production-wise and life-wise.
The wise man is wise in vain who cannot be wise to his own advantage. [Lat., Nequicquam sapere sapientem, qui ipse sibi prodesse non quiret.]
I find that with period pieces, you're sort of able to really take advantage of what's around you because prop-wise, wardrobe-wise and location-wise, it's all so specific due to that time.
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