A Quote by Frankie Avalon

I eat pasta every day. It gives me energy. I love the taste. — © Frankie Avalon
I eat pasta every day. It gives me energy. I love the taste.
I eat everything, but I moderate; I try to be semiconscious. I don't eat pasta every day, although people who follow my Instagram think I do.
Besides almonds or granola, I don't eat a lot during the day - juicing is what gives me energy.
I'm a huge pasta and pizza lover. I can eat those every single day.
I have fallen in love with granola, in life and at work. I exercise every morning, and then I have a monstrous day in front of me. Granola gives me energy. It's quick, tasty, and healthy.
I maintain my inner beauty by trying to lead a balanced life in general. I try to eat healthy foods, but... that doesn't mean I won't treat myself now and then! I work out almost every day, which gives me more energy and helps me feel stronger. I also try to be a genuinely good person to the people around me.
My diet doesn't change regardless of whether or not I'm competing. It's not that strict, either. I try not to eat too much dessert or too many sugary things, like bread or pasta. But I'm not crazy, and I'll eat pasta if that's what someone if making. It's all about trying to find a balance and eat healthy.
I'm sort of a carb-oholic. I love pasta, and I know it's really simple, but I love pasta with olive oil and crushed red pepper and maybe some Parmesan. I don't really eat cheese anymore, but that would be my favorite. I love a tri colore salad - it's my favorite.
I don't eat a ton of pasta or bread. But I eat dessert almost every night, and I drink. You need a bit of balance, and I've found mine.
I love eating it - grilled chicken, pasta, rice, and other foods that give me long term energy. Every once in a while, my sweet tooth gets the best of me and I have to snack on some candy. Beverage wise, I stick to sports drinks, water, milk, and juice.
I find that when you do yoga, you don't crave unhealthy food. But I try to always let myself eat whatever I want. I have dessert or chocolate every day, but I'll only have a few bites. I try to have a little bit of cereal in the morning, and then I always try to have protein for dinner, too. But I eat pasta and stuff like that.
The problem that people have is that they eat too large portion sizes. Italians have been eating pasta for hundreds and hundreds of years, and we've never been an obese nation. We do the pasta, the pizza, all the cheeses, but it all has to do with how much you eat.
I eat 6 or 7 raw vegetables every day, 4 or 5 pieces of fresh fruit. I eat egg whites each day. If I eat bread, it has to be whole wheat. I eat brown rice. I don't eat between meals. I eat at 11 o'clock in the morning and 7 o'clock at night.
I used to eat a lot of pasta and cookies, things like that. I really eat a lot. I'd eat everything if you let me.
I will tell you that what gives me a sense of joy is having work to do that justifies pouring every ounce of energy I have into it. That's really a blessing to have in your life. And it gives you energy back when you have the privilege of doing work that makes you feel that way.
I'll pretty much eat anything that doesn't have sugar in it. And I'll eat carbs, believe me - I eat tons of pasta! In the morning I eat these low-carb, sugar-free breakfast bars, and for lunch I usually do a chopped salad, and I like natural sugars like fruit.
Half an hour of exercise in the morning makes for better interactions all day. Then a sound night of sleep gives me energy to tackle the next day. I am a more active parent, a better spouse, and more engaged in my work when I eat, move, and sleep well.
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