A Quote by Frankie Boyle

The only award I've been nominated for is a Scottish BAFTA. A Scottish BAFTA, it's like hearing that the animals have their own Olympics. You hear all this stuff about TV being faked. Of course it's faked. It's all faked. That documentary a couple of weeks ago about tribal warfare among monkeys, that was all filmed in a Yates wine lodge in Dundee. Comic Relief is faked. Everybody in Africa is fine.
ID can be hijacked, and cards can be faked. All of the 9/11 terrorists had fake IDs, yet they still got on the planes. If the British national ID card can't be faked, it will be the first on the planet.
When it came to writing about wine, I did what almost everybody does - faked it
All real fantasy is serious. Only faked fantasy is not serious. That is why it is so wrong to impose faked fantasy on children.
That wasn't because of money, it was because I had a job for the next two days and wanted to work. So I faked a test. That was over two years ago. Why has there been no issue about it since then?
Everybody's always living in fiction just as much as children, but the way our stories are faked is curtailed by all sorts of narratives we take into our own lives about what are the true narratives and what's not.
AC/DC has lived the dumbness that the Ramones have only faked all these years.
A schedule is a mock-up of reason and order - willed, faked, and so brought into being.
Class is real. It can't be faked.
In poetry, everything can be faked but the intensity of utterance.
I've never faked an injury or an illness before.
I never faked my emotions or my desire to be a winner.
Authenticity can't be replicated or faked. You're either real or you're not.
Truth is a point of view, but authenticity can't be faked.
America is the only country where a significant proportion of the population believes that professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was faked.
A first kiss is hard to fake on screen. It's tempting to practice before you shoot, but why blow that natural awkwardness on a rehearsal? There's something so beautiful about it that can't be faked.
I'm not really deaf; I just faked it to win the Oscar KIDDING.
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