Every time you go to a party and take a picture and post that picture to Facebook, you're being a rat. You're being a narc.
Of course, I always try to integrate my life on social media but I would be the last person to post a random picture just to get likes and just so that I can create some social media feed. For me, a post should have some meaning.
I don't much like post-modernism, because post-modernist has become the basket in which every mediocre person can shuffle things and pretend to do something significant, and we could also mention who use post-modernism in this way - maybe we shouldn't.
I am not in every picture I post, and my social media is not only for film promotions. I don't feel comfortable with that. Yes, I'll post something promotional now and then, but rest of the time, it is like any other social media account.
I'm friends with Taylor Swift, and I am tired of people asking me questions about our friendship. When I post a picture of us on Instagram, I'm posting a picture of me and my friend.
Whenever a woman describes herself as a 'post-feminist' I picture women lashed to posts. Joan of Arc was an early post-feminist.
What a publication can do is to help people get a clearer picture without jumping to any rash conclusion. I'm very happy that the 'Post' can take the responsibility to report on China in a broader and deeper way. I believe the 'Post' must be fair to our readers. We should let our readers see China from more angles and perspectives.
I know so many kids who literally are, like, Instagram-famous. They have done nothing but post pictures on Instagram. And they have followings. People love to see them in person, but it's only because they post on their Instagram. It's literally crazy. Kids will paint a picture of themselves that is so far beyond who they actually are. It's like they're wearing someone else's skin.
I comment on my friends' things; whatever they post, I post funny posts. I don't post anything that's too sad or mad, or at least not for too long. And I'm usually just a happy person! Silly - people would describe me as silly and crazy and fun.
If it's just brushstrokes wrestling around, it isn't much of a picture book, is it? There still has to be a picture. And maybe it needs to be a picture of a dog named Daisy or a little girl riding a bike. So I have to be careful before I get too carried away in the manner itself.
I was about to get in the shower; I took a nude selfie, kept it in my phone for over a year. I just liked the picture, so I was like,"Let me put censor bars on it and post it." I don't do things to be like, "This is powerful. I'm going to show you guys that this is my 'message.''' I'm not that type of person".
I've gone on Twitter, and I've seen a picture of me walking through the airport, or some random picture, and the person's like, 'Oh my God. I just saw Chilli.' They just take a picture, and it lets people know where you are. It's just crazy to me even when people do that.
A lot of these kids I think are more content just to be on Facebook and the computer than they are to actually go out. They just really want to get a picture to post to their buddies, and that's about it.
Of course, you decide which story you want to tell. For me, it's been very authentic, so sometimes I'm super happy, and I post four pictures one after the other; sometimes I'm busy, and I don't. Sometimes I'm sad, and I post a sad picture.
People so often forget that their Instagram is more than just their latest post. Before posting, step back and look at the bigger picture, a.k.a. your 'flow.'
People start to talk about post-racist, post-feminist. What does that mean? We're clearly not post either. Would you say post-democracy? Clearly we haven't reached true democracy yet.