A Quote by Frans van Houten

Employers can assist employees in looking after their health by giving guidance on energy management, sleep and healthy eating, working relationships, and helping maintain a sense of purpose at work.
People don't actually want to think about their own health and don't take action until they are sick. Yet employers are very motivated to get their employees healthy, since they bear most of the burden of their health care costs.
I have argued for years that we do not have a health care system in America. We have a disease-management system - one that depends on ruinously expensive drugs and surgeries that treat health conditions after they manifest rather than giving our citizens simple diet, lifestyle and therapeutic tools to keep them healthy.
A man who tries to make the workmen believe that their employers are their natural enemies is indeed the worst enemy of workmen. For the employees of yesterday are the employers of today, and the employees of today can and will partly be the employers of tomorrow.
The body needs its rest, and sleep is extremely important in any health regimen. There should be three main things: eating, exercise and sleep. All three together in the right balance make for a truly healthy lifestyle.
Incorporating small changes/additions in one's daily routine can have a big impact. For example, eating a healthy diet, including a handful of almonds every day and a regular exercise regime, not only helps me maintain a healthy life but also balance both my family's health as well as my own.
A lot of my work is helping people to find their own life's purpose and then follow it. I find that when people are not working on their life's purpose there is a sense of emptiness and anxiety.
Without Free Choice Vouchers, there is little in the health reform law that discourages employers from increasingly passing the burden of health care costs onto their employees.
We are coming to understand health not as the absence of disease, but rather as the process by which individuals maintain their sense of coherence (i.e. sense that life is comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful) and ability to function in the face of changes in themselves and their relationships with their environment.
I've established a company - The Edward George Wealth Management Group - which facilitates in helping players maintain their finances, and more importantly, maintain their lives during the duration of their careers and beyond.
When it comes to time management, I talk a lot more about energy management. I try to give people 100% of my energy even if I'm giving them very little of my time.
Most households in the 21st century have two working parents juggling responsibilities, including caring for infants and elderly and their own health. If we can assist them with these critical responsibilities in a way that also considers the impact on employers, we'll have helped our future economic growth and done the right thing.
Cost-effective, attractive to business partners, environmentally friendly, easy access to a wide range of guidance and support - it makes good business sense to implement and maintain a robust and effective environmental management system
The majority of Americans receive health insurance coverage through their employers, but with rising health care costs, many small businesses can no longer afford to provide coverage for their employees.
Volunteering is a great way to look outside your own problems. Giving back to makes you happier by both giving you a sense of purpose and helping to put your problems in perspective.
I find it a very encouraging sign for a society if employers are bringing online education to their companies, helping employees gain more knowledge.
I think the most important thing is being in healthy relationships. That might be a weird answer, but I think emotional health is a big contributor to physical health. I think [having] good romantic relationships, but even friendships and family, around you and having strong, supportive people around you helps you have an overall healthy lifestyle.
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