A Quote by Fred Tomaselli

Ive come to believe in the primacy of form - the notion of art seducing you through your senses, through your eyeballs. — © Fred Tomaselli
Ive come to believe in the primacy of form - the notion of art seducing you through your senses, through your eyeballs.
I've come to believe in the primacy of form - the notion of art seducing you through your senses, through your eyeballs.
Achieving goals is a creative process. The first step in the creation of your primary goal takes place in your conscious mind. Through the aid of your senses and/or your imagination, you must form a very clear, concise image of yourself already in possession of your goal.
Ive had one very bad ankle injury but otherwise Ive been incredibly lucky with my fitness. Ive worked hard at it and Ive always been fit even compared to other players. That sustains you through various parts of your career, but I am 36.
When you drink in nature through your senses, you deepen your awareness of the great silent intelligence flowing through all things. You nourish your mind, body, and spirit as you connect to the divine love of Being.
Part of Krishna consciousness is trying to tune in all the senses of all the people: to experience God through all the senses, not just by experiencing Him on Sunday, through your knees by kneeling on some hard wooden kneeler in the church.
There are many paths through the Ring of Life. They are a constant movement toward self-fulfillment through growth of your mind, expansion of your experiences, widening of your senses and growing your spirit. It's ceaseless and constant throughout one's life.
Everything has to come through the senses, as though the soul is speaking out through the senses.
I've come up through art school, through painting, through graphic design, through advertising, through TV commercials and music video. I've designed books, built billboards, matchbooks, corporate identities. I continuously paint, I've done conceptual art pictures.
This empire, unlike any other in the history of the world, has been built primarily through economic manipulation, through cheating, through fraud, through seducing people into our way of life, through the economic hit men. I was very much a part of that.
At a certain R.P.M., there's only one way for blood to leave your body, and that's through your eyeballs. That means you're dead.
Why all this insistence on the senses? Because in order to convince your reader that he is THERE, you must assault each of his senses, in turn, with color, sound, taste, and texture. If your reader feels the sun on his flesh, the wind fluttering his shirt sleeves, half your fight is won. The most improbable tales can be made believable, if your reader, through his senses, feels certain that he stands at the middle of events. He cannot refuse, then, to participate. The logic of events always gives way to the logic of the senses.
The beginning of human knowledge is through the senses, and the fiction writer begins where the human perception begins. He appeals through the senses, and you cannot appeal through the senses with abstractions.
Do you believe in that Infinite, good Providence working in and through you? If you believe that this Omnipresent One is present in every atom, is through and through, Ota-Prota, as the Sanskrit word goes, penetrating your body, mind and soul, how can you lose heart?
First, we believe that God is a being with a body in form like man's; that he possesses body, parts and passions; that in a word, God is an exalted, perfected man. Secondly, we believe in a plurality of Gods. Third, we believe that somewhere and some time in the ages to come, through development, through enlargement, through purification until perfection is attained, man at last may become like God - a God.
Ive had my share of difficult moments, but whatever difficulties Ive gone through, Ive always gotten a prize at the end.
You have to free yourself from your mental conditioning through association with the holy, through doing good works, through meditating, through laughter, through love and through solitude.
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