A Quote by Frederick Lenz

There is a popular conception about karma, and that is that as you sow, so shall you reap. That's only true if you're a farmer. — © Frederick Lenz
There is a popular conception about karma, and that is that as you sow, so shall you reap. That's only true if you're a farmer.
One has to reap the fruits of his karma. The law of karma is inevitable and is accepted by all the great philosophies of the world: 'As you sow, so shall you reap.'
When we begin to understand the concept of Karma we will never ever blame God for anything that happens to us. We will realise that we are responsible for all that happens to us. As we sow, so shall we reap. Rich or poor, saint or sinner, miser or philanthropist, learned or illiterate ... This is the Universal Law that applies to individuals, to whole communities, societies, nations and races. As we sow, so shall we reap.
Karma, ahhh. We sow what we reap... We reap what we sow! We reap what we sow. The law of cause and effect. And we are all under this law.
Karma is not fate, for man acts with free will, creating his own destiny. The Vedas tell us, if we sow goodness, we will reap goodness; if we sow evil, we will reap evil. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which determines our future.
The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny.
In America, karma is best expressed in popular phrases like what goes around, comes around and what you sow, you will reap. Karma has also been referred to as having a boomerang effect where the thoughts and actions that you send out into the world turn around and come back at you... Jesus says, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Karma goes a step further and dictates that What you do unto others will come back to you. I think Jesus and the Hindus really had the same idea. Think about that the next time you want to say or do something nasty to someone else!
Karma is the universal law of cause and effect. You reap what you sow. You get what you earn... If you give love, you get love. Revenge returns itself upon the avenger. What goes around comes around... Karma is justice. It does not reward or punish. It shows no favoritism because we have to earn all that we receive. Karma doesn't predestine anyone or anything. We create our own causes, and karma adjusts the effects with perfect balance.
Sow truth, if thou the truth wouldst reap: Who sows the false shall reap the vain.
Sow love, reap peace. Sow meditation, reap wisdom.
You and I have been physically given two hands and two legs and half-decent brains. Some people have not been born like that for a reason. The karma is working from another lifetime. I have nothing to hide about that. It is not only people with disabilities. What you sow, you have to reap.
Sow an act and you reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny.
Never Try To Ruin Someone.. That's Bad Karma.. Let Them Ruin Themselves The Victory Is That Much Sweeter. You Reap What You Sow!
I think the work ethic that was established in my family was something very important. If you plant the seed, if you sow sparingly and reap sparingly. If you sow in abundance you'll reap in abundance.
The law of the harvest is inexorable (impossible to stop or prevent) . As we sow, so shall we reap.
As the farmer casts into the ground the finest ears of his grain, the time will come when we too shall hold nothing back, but shall eagerly convert more than we now possess into means and powers, when we shall be willing to sow the sun and the moon for seeds.
Some shall reap that never sow And some shall toil and not attain.
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