A Quote by Frederick Lenz

I think it is very important to view life in terms of winning and losing until complete enlightenment has occurred. — © Frederick Lenz
I think it is very important to view life in terms of winning and losing until complete enlightenment has occurred.
There's no difference between winning and losing. They are the same type of experience. Winning and losing are sensorial, affixed to an ego, blocked in time and space and none of them ultimately make you happy very long
But seriously, I think overall in the scheme of things winning an Emmy is not important. Let's get our priorities straight. I think we all know what's really important in life - winning an Oscar.
The most important thing in my life is Christ. He's more important than winning or losing or whether I'm playing or not. Everything else is just a bonus.
The most important thing in my life is Christ. He’s more important to me than winning or losing or whether I’m playing or not. Everything else is just a bonus.
I didn't have to win, and winning wasn't important to me. Being world champion wasn't important to me. What was important to me was entertaining the audience, and whether that meant winning, losing, singing, or whatever it was on the live show we were doing every week, which was awesome, I was game for it.
There are more important things in life than winning or losing a game.
I can't be casual about losing. I always think I have a chance to win until winning is absolutely impossible.
You've got to get to the stage in life where going for it is more important than winning or losing.
From my point of view, which is the point of view of no illusions, there is only winning and losing. You might as well be a winner.
Let me tell you a secret: there is no such thing as an uninteresting life One day you must tell me your full and complete story, unabridged and unexpurgated.We will set aside some time for it, and meet. It's very important. Maneck smiled. 'Why is it important?' It's extremely important because it helps to remind yourself of who you are. Then you can go forward, without fear of losing yourself in this ever-changing world.
A child who has a grandparent has a softened view of life, the feeling that there is more to life than what we see, more than getting and gaining, winning and losing.
To be a successful business owner and investor, you have to be emotionally neutral to winning and losing. Winning and losing are just part of the game.
The Enlightenment view of mankind is a complete myth. It leads us into thinking we're sane and rational creatures most of the time, and we're not.
Everybody loves winning, but we should not linger on the difference between winning and losing... But Is losing failing?
Whoever said "It's not whether you win or lose but how you play the game" is full of it! Winning makes all the difference in the world. Winning is fun. Losing is not. Losing sucks.
Real winning and losing all takes place at the meditation table. This is where the battles are. Winning is stopping thought. Losing is sitting there and being subjected to all kinds of ridiculous thoughts
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