A Quote by Frederick Lenz

If the tonal collapses completely, then you're crazy functionally, you're psychotic. — © Frederick Lenz
If the tonal collapses completely, then you're crazy functionally, you're psychotic.
Calculated risks are part of what you do, but the idea that something completely crazy will work just because it's completely crazy is completely crazy.
Craziness is good. Crazy people are happy, free, they have no hindrance. But since you have many attachment, you are only a little crazy. This is not crazy enough. You must become completely crazy. Then you will understand.
We really must understand that the lust for affluence in contemporary society is psychotic. It is psychotic because it has completely lost touch with reality. We crave things we neither need nor enjoy. We buy things we do not want to impress people we do not like.
Our peasant music, naturally, is invariably tonal, if not always in the sense that the inflexible major and minor system is tonal. (An "atonal" folk-music, in my opinion, is unthinkable.) Since we depend upon a tonal basis of this kind in our creative work, it is quite self-evident that our works are quite pronouncedly tonal in type. I must admit, however, that there was a time when I thought I was approaching a species of twelve-tone music. Yet even in works of that period the absolute tonal foundation is unmistakable.
Even today, I notice that some of my pieces are explicitly tonal; there are actually tonics and dominants. And then there are pieces that are not tonal. I tend to think that there's a dichotomy that has to do with the way pitches are structured.
Humor is the balance of the tonal. Within the tonal you've got reason and humor. The two balance each other so that the tonal can accept and understand the journeys into the nagual.
Back then, in 1968, everything was suspect - family, government, and obviously the family unit in 'Night of the Living Dead' completely collapses. That's what we were focused on.
Whenever you are in the world of the tonal, you should be an impeccable tonal; no time for irrational crap. But whenever you are in the world of the nagual, you should also be impeccable; no time for rational crap. For the warrior intent is the gate in between. It closes completely behind him when he goes either way
The Eightfold Path is ordering the island of the tonal completely.
Sanity is a matter of culture and convention. If it's a crazy culture you live in, then you have to be irrational to want to conform. A completely rational person would recognize that the culture was crazy and refuse to conform. But by not conforming, he is the one who would be judged crazy by that particular society.
When I wasn't touring I'd be really down, then suddenly after a few weeks of crazy travelling - America, a double headline with Ray Davies in Denmark, TV shows here and just partying... Suddenly I had an acute psychotic breakdown.
If Syria collapses completely, the United States and the world would have to consider who, and what, fills the vacuum.
The lust for affluence in contemporary society has become psychotic; it has completely lost touch with reality.
When the forest and the city are functionally indistinguishable, then we know we have reached sustainability.
As psychotic as it gets outside, the comic can be more psychotic.
Look, I promise I’m not psychotic. Eccentric and idiosyncratic, but not psychotic. (Sebastian) I’ll bet the prisons are full of men who have told women that. (Channon)
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