In Zen we classify ten thousand different states of mind, different ways of seeing life. There is something beyond the ten thousand states of mind that we call nirvana.
Nirvikalpa samadhi is a state of no mind, beyond the ten thousand states of mind, where there is nothing but perfection, where the self no longer exists...the ego dissolves into immortality.
The ten thousand states of mind that we talk about in Zen are all levels of perception. You can think of each of the ten thousand states of mind as a dimensional plane.
There are ten thousand states of mind. The culmination of the states of mind you have gone through will create your next lifetime.
There are some beings who reach a point where they no longer want to move through the ten thousand states of mind. There is something else. It is beyond subject and object. That is nirvana.
Perfection is not a final state. It is a state of mind. There are ten thousand states of mind.
There are ten thousand states of mind. Most people spend their entire lives confined to a few of these states of mind.
Beyond the ten thousand states of mind is the still point. It exists within them all, yet beyond them. It is not affected by them. It gives birth to them. This is the riddle.
You can get stuck in one state of mind or a general area of mind for a thousand lifetimes. Some states of mind afford better views than others.
An enlightened person lives in the world, passes through the ten thousand states of mind, but they are not bound by them. They can go beyond perception.
Meditation simply means entering into states of mind which are happiness, profound happiness, simple happiness, beautiful happiness, complicated, uncomplicated - There are ten thousand states of mind.
From the highest state of mind you have a window whereby you could perhaps move beyond all states of mind, to enlightenment.
Advanced practice is the entrance into the ten thousand states of mind. Most people exist in five or six of these states in their whole lifetime.
There is no ultimate objective reality within the ten thousand states of mind. Most people don't like to hear this. But there are ten thousand realities, and each is definitely unifying.
There are ten thousand planes of awareness within the infinite mind of the diamond mind, your deeper mind.
Everything is a state of mind. Astral travel is the ability to wander through different states of mind and develop psychic perceptions.