A Quote by Frederick Lenz

It is your causal body that is the real you. At the end of each incarnation, it carries the knowledge and karmic patterns of that lifetime, in addition to all of your other previous lifetimes, into your next lifetime.
Whatever you have learned in your previous incarnations is retained within your causal body, your multi-lifetime body of energy that lives from one incarnation to another.
There are future lives. It is not necessary to cram everything into this lifetime. You can enjoy this lifetime, go with the flow, and know it will lead you to a better life in your next incarnation.
Beyond the subtle physical body, is the causal body, the part of your being that lives from one lifetime to another.
Naturally there is reincarnation ... otherwise life would be pretty dull. All the patterns in this lifetime are results from patterns in other lifetimes.
I'm not big on the after-death experience. If you've done a very good job in your current lifetime, then your next lifetime will be set up for you.
You are no different in this lifetime than you were in your last lifetime. This lifetime is simply a continuation of your last lifetime.
If you meditate and continue to have fun with yoga and Buddhism, you will amass knowledge and will move to a higher incarnation. In your next lifetime you will be much wiser, much happier.
Our spirit grows and develops traits in each incarnation that it passes through, and then collects and carries the essence of those traits into future lifetimes. In Buddhist Yoga we refer to our multi-life karmic traits as samskaras.
What is your real work? Is it that which pays the bills or is it your art? I think your real work is healing. Whatever helps you become more loving in this lifetime. Whatever helps you forgive yourself, embrace yourself, meet yourself, and free yourself in this lifetime.
And God, God who believes in us all. And who's given me this moment, in this lifetime, that I will hopefully carry to the end of my lifetime into the next lifetime.
What you gain in internal knowledge goes from one lifetime to another. It is not wasted. Unlike those stone edifices that will fade, your internal knowledge will stay with you from one incarnation to another.
A better lifetime comes from not some karmic scale but from inner knowledge. Inner knowledge makes you happy. In other words, it is not as if someone is checking!
Buddha indicated that the self, that part of you that incarnates from lifetime to lifetime was causal.
If all of your electricity in your lifetime came from nuclear [energy], the waste from that lifetime of electricity would go in a Coke can.
The Bible is to your soul what bread is to your body. You need it daily. One good meal does not suffice for a lifetime.
If you do well within this life, that awareness will be held within the causal structure, the part of us that lives from one lifetime to another. It will be available to you in your next life and in future lives.
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