A Quote by G-Eazy

I wear what I like to wear, I don't pick out clothes to try to fit in or whatever, I just like what I like. — © G-Eazy
I wear what I like to wear, I don't pick out clothes to try to fit in or whatever, I just like what I like.
What people don't know is: Clothes don't really fit you unless they're made for you. Especially when you wear men's clothes, like I do. American women think that clothes fit them if they can fit into them. But that's not at all what fit means.
Wear clothes that fit. It's the most important thing. Don't just see something you like and automatically pick up a size 12 because that's what you think you are. Try on the sizes bigger and smaller than what you expect to be, and buy what genuinely fits and feels most comfortable.
Wear what you want to wear. Do what you want to do. Be who you are. Pick out your own clothes. Be a man. And if that's too much to ask, as it almost always is for me, think of someone you consider to be a man and pretend to be like him. I pretend to be like my dad.
I like to be dressy casual. I wear jeans and nice sneakers. I wear nice clothes, but not super dressed up. I don't wear too much jewelry. I keep it simple and maybe wear just a little chain.
I try to tell all the - not even the kids, even people older than me - to just be themselves. Don't wear what I wear 'cause I wear it; wear what you like.
Just because you're wearing something that's like a gown or what have you, you should wear it like you can take your shoes off and put your feet up and what I realized is that most people I love fashion-wise, they wear clothes like that. An ease to it. I thought that was a nice tool.
I wear jeans and a T-shirt sometimes. I just like clothes - since the first time I can remember, like age ten or eleven; I was just obsessed with music and clothes. Just like a lot of people in England from my generation.
A lot of women say to me, "Polly, why aren't there more clothes out there that we can wear?" And I don't agree with them! There are clothes out there that they can wear - it's just that they don't dare to wear them.
I admire fashion and I respect it greatly, but I don't necessarily follow trends. I never really have. I just wear what I like to wear. I really like colors, and there are some things I wear and don't care what anybody says about it being in style or not. I wear it anyway.
If you have one article of clothing that's very expensive, you don't have to have the whole ensemble and look like a Christmas tree. To wear the clothes, to not let them wear you. And to really remember that clothes are beautiful. It's like are you gonna wear something that people say: "Oh that's a great blouse." Or are you gonna wear something that people say: "Oh you look great today.." .
NASA has to approve whatever we wear, so there are clothes to choose from, like space shorts - we wear those a lot - and NASA T-shirts.
If you wear Arab things, wear the best. Clothes are significant among the tribes, and you must wear the appropriate, and appear at ease in them. Dress like a Sherif, if they agree to it.
People think, 'You're an actor, you can afford clothes,' but I just try to take the clothes from the movie, which makes the selecting of film projects that much more difficult, because you try to play characters that might wear something you'd want to wear.
I cherish my clothes and I remember what seasons they're from. But someone said to me as I was having trouble with styling a dress that I had bought, and he said to me: "Throw it on the floor." And I was like, "What? It's like a gown." He goes, "Throw it on the floor," and I did, and he's like that's how you need to wear everything. You wear clothes like you throw them on the floor.
I didn't really feel like a girly girl. I didn't want to wear boob tubes and flared trousers and disco clothes. Then when punk came along it was like, 'Oh great, I can wear ripped jeans and manky t-shirts and flat caps.' It was just perfect timing for me.
I admit I love clothes and I buy clothes. But they sit in my closet. I like a pair of comfy pants, flip flops and a t- shirt. And when we pick a restaurant, my criteria is: Where can I wear this?.
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