A Quote by Gabby Barrett

I'm getting to put my music out into the world the way that I envisioned and hoped it would be when I was little, and that is a total dream come true. — © Gabby Barrett
I'm getting to put my music out into the world the way that I envisioned and hoped it would be when I was little, and that is a total dream come true.
I never envisioned myself playing for the U.S. Olympic team -- growing up, I never envisioned playing in the NBA, to be real with you. I never envisioned that type of stuff. So this is like a dream that I never had come true. It's like I'm a part of what's really going on. It's still very hard for me to believe that I am really going to be a part of the biggest thing in the whole entire world.
To be able to wake up and know I get to do music every single day - arrange music, compose music, write music and to be with my four best friends in the world, and just to go and do performances and to tour, it's honestly a dream come true.
This world is not the sum total of God's resources -- on the contrary, it is only the 'dream,' the probation, the prelude of the true world, the true life.
I'm very physical. I'm extremely active, and I would love to do something a little more sexy and dangerous, a la Sophia Loren, or funny and humorous, a la Woody Allen. Getting to do things along those lines would be extremely wicked and a dream come true.
When people do things to make your dream come true, you owe them in one way or another. Everyone understands that for every dream that comes true for you, there might not be a dream coming true for someone else. When we trade one wish for another, there's a price to pay. It works like that
We are too feeble and sluggish to make our way out to the upper limit of the air. If someone could reach the summit, or put on wings and fly aloft, when he put up his head he would see the world above, just as fishes see our world when they put up their heads out of the sea; and if his nature were able to bear the sight, he would recognize that that is the true heaven.
I've played at a European Championship; to represent your country at a World Cup is every boy's dream, and for me, it would definitely be a dream come true.
The only way to describe my involvement in 'Planes' is that it's an absolute dream come true for me. Getting to be a bad guy in any project is fun, let alone being a Disney villain. I can't imagine anything getting better than that!
The only way to describe my involvement in Planes is that its an absolute dream come true for me. Getting to be a bad guy in any project is fun, let alone being a Disney villain. I cant imagine anything getting better than that!
Just to be on set with Amy Poehler, who's one of my heroes, was a total dream come true.
It's hard to put what it means into words. It's just a dream I had when I was a little kid. It's not every day [you] get to make your lifelong dream come true. The point of doing things in life is you pursue a goal, and you go after it, you reach it and you pick another one. But they're hard to attain.
I was first published in the newspaper put out by School of The Art Institute of Chicago, where I was a student. I wince to read that story nowadays, but I published it with an odd photo I'd found in a junk shop, and at least I still like the picture. I had a few things in the school paper, and then I got published in a small literary magazine. I hoped I would one day get published in The New Yorker, but I never allowed myself to actually believe it. Getting published is one of those things that feels just as good as you'd hoped it would.
There was this kind of wackiness that was really embraced and put on a pedestal. It was before the millennium. We were envisioning a future that was mostly idealistic. I think that came crashing down a little bit in 9/11, or a lot. There is something about Portland that does seem to still exist in this total idealistic world and total idealistic mind frame, and I think that's what Dream of the '90s is talking about.
There is no need of a way out! Don't you see that a way out is also part of the dream All you have to do is see the dream as dream. ...Wherever it leads you, it will be a dream. The very idea of going beyond the dream is illusory. Why go anywhere Just realize that you are dreaming a dream you call the world and stop looking for ways out. The dream is not your problem. Your problem is that you like one part of your dream and not another. Love all, or none of it, and stop complaining. When you have seen the dream as a dream, you have done all that needs be done.
I can honestly say that in The Murder City Devils band we achieved everything that I could've ever hoped for or wanted. We did all that, which is the luckiest, craziest, and weirdest thing. Essentially, it was sort of like my dream come true in a way, so once that's happened, you sort of stop being surprised.
For years, I've thought about a project or a way where I could do acting and music together, and I never really thought that would happen. Then 'Nashville' came along, and it was like a dream come true to marry both of those worlds.
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