A Quote by Gael Monfils

Grass is not natural for me, but I am getting better. I have to focus on not falling, not injuring myself. I cannot take off as fast as I want to and I have problems braking.
Those soccer style kickers have a difficult time getting the ball up, especially off dirt. They can get the ball up fast enough off artificial surfaces, but when it's on a natural grass surface it's entirely different for them.
Sometimes when I am alone in my room in the dark, I practice smiling to myself. I do this to be kind to myself, to take good care of myself, to love myself. I know that if I cannot take care of myself, I cannot take care of anyone else.
People don't want to see me having a bad morning. They have job problems, financial problems, family pressures, kids to get off to school. The last thing they want to wake up to is someone showing them the same problems. So maybe that's the one time I am forced to act.
You start off slowly, getting 'better and 'better, getting that confidence in yourself. It brought that out of me which I had inside but, you know, didn't want to express it - but as a captain you have to.
I've been painting off and on since I was in sixth grade. I don't paint when I'm acting - I'm not really able to split my focus that way. I do it intensely when I'm doing it, but I'm reluctant to take myself too seriously as a painter because that would mean there would be pressure to be better than I am.
I want to take my focus off myself and focus on God. It's like setting your spiritual compass so no matter which way you turn during the day, whatever comes up, then my thoughts go back to Him and whatever He said that morning.
It was a natural progression for me to write about Millenials transitioning into management but I found myself getting emotional as I wrote. I really do want to repay them for all they have given me. What better way than to help them transition to the next level of their career!
That lifestyle wears you down fast, so I started to take better care of myself. I exercise, sleep eight hours a night, take vitamins, eat organic foods, skip foods that aren't good for me, and I surround myself with amazing artists and friends.
I write in cafes, never at home. I cannot focus at home, am forever getting off my chair to do other things. In a cafe, I have to sit still, or I'll look a bit unhinged.
I am afraid of getting older … I am afraid of getting married. Spare me from cooking three meals a day—spare me from the relentless cage of routine and rote. I want to be free…. I want, I want to think, to be omniscient…. I think I would like to call myself ‘The girl who wanted to be God.
Patience is probably the hardest thing I've had to learn in tryin' to love a girl. My lifestyle is very fast-paced; I'm always goin' somewhere, always on stage, and when I perform I perform at a high intensity. Sometimes I carry that energy off of the stage, into my private life. Sometimes I encounter girls who want me to take my time. When you're such a fast-paced, in the fast lane kinda guy, you don't really take the time that's necessary; you're like, "I want it now! If you can't give it to me now, well then." And from that, you end up losin' a lot of great people.
I am better off doing as abnegation taught me: turning away from myself, projecting always outward, and hoping that in whatever is next, I will be better than I am now.
I just want to bring as much natural as I can. I'm not saying that people who take acting lessons are false. They're much better than I am, but it doesn't work for me.
I love pushing my boundaries and seeing how far I can go without, you know, dying or injuring myself too badly. On set I was like, 'Give me some stunts! Give me whatever you want. Throw it at me. I want to do it all.'
I focus on myself and getting better every day.
One thing that's great about having kids, especially given my career, is that it forces you out of your narcissism. I mean, I'm in a career where my product is me. So it was nice to have something, someone, come along and take the focus off me. I really needed to give myself some distractions from myself.
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