A Quote by Gareth Bale

I probably prefer Spanish football to the others. It's very technical, the way they play; they keep the ball well, and whenever Spurs have played against Spanish teams in the past, they've always made it difficult for us.
English football is a lot different to Spanish football but Soldado is an international for Spain, he is a player who has become accustomed to playing against great teams - and he has always scored goals.
English football is very strong physically, but Spanish football is more technical.
I took Spanish in high school and I didn't do too well in it. My Spanish teacher told me not to go on with Spanish anymore, so I was discouraged a little bit.
I love watching English football. There are teams in the Premier League that play a style similar to Spanish teams - Arsenal, for example - but in general, it's much quicker; there's so much pace.
I prefer to play in Spain than in the Premiership. Spanish football is more like my qualities.
The fact is I do feel very Spanish, like when I'm talking to my wife and daughter in Spanish at two in the afternoon. I even think in Spanish when I get angry!
I would like to spend more time with Spanish poetry. I know French better than Spanish, but Spanish was my first language, and my father spoke it to us.
My Spanish is a daughter's Spanish. I write, but my Spanish really is very limited.
Spanish is a poetic language, in particular the Spanish of Mexico which has a wonderful animistic attitude you might not see in the Spanish of the peninsula. I think it has to do with the indigenous way of looking at nature.
Spanish football is very good but every year the same teams win the league.
We all need to stomp out balkanization. No Spanish radio stations, no Spanish billboards, no Spanish TV stations, no Spanish newspapers. This is America, speak English.
I'm very, very Spanish. I have fat cheeks on both ends. I'm sitting on my Spanish part. And it's my heart, the way I am, the way I speak. It has nothing to do with the way I look.
My French is terrible, and my Spanish is even worse. I find Spanish really difficult. They speak so quickly, whereas in German, it's very clear what they're saying. It's easier to repeat.
Singing in Spanish is much more honest, much closer to my roots. For me, Spanish is essential. I still think in Spanish, dream in Spanish. It's the melodies and arrangements that transmit meaning.
I think Sassuolo are a serious club who play great football, keeping the ball, and are almost Spanish in style.
Working in kitchens with Mexicans you always listen to the Spanish channel and that's what I use. Whenever I cook I think of Spanish music, so I always have to listen to some sort of salsa. It gets your body going.
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