A Quote by Gareth Thomas

It's not about shutting people up or proving them wrong. It's about proving to ourselves what we're about. — © Gareth Thomas
It's not about shutting people up or proving them wrong. It's about proving to ourselves what we're about.
It's all about proving it on the track and proving to people that have different views wrong.
For me, It's not necessarily about proving people wrong, but proving to myself that I can do it my way and still win.
I cannot stress often enough that what science is all about is not proving things to be true but proving them to be false.
I love proving people wrong and proving myself right and my coaches.
I don't care about proving things to people. I'm proving things to myself.
I'm about working, getting better, and proving people wrong.
I think as you get older, you realize there's always going to be critics. Critics are going to win every time because they can change their critique based on the stats and their own personal feelings. It's less about proving people wrong, the critics wrong, and it's more about challenging myself to keep this level up.
I'm not going to worry about proving people wrong. My goal isn't to prove people wrong. You can't worry about what other people say.
There's always going to be obstacles and people that doubt you. So it's about proving people wrong and bettering yourself and trying to be the best you.
It is very unnerving to be proven wrong, particularly when you are really right and the person who is really wrong is proving you wrong and proving himself, wrongly, right.
Discerning the merits of competing claims is where the empirical basis of science should play a role. I cannot stress often enough that what science is all about is not proving things to be true but proving them to be false. What fails the test of empirical reality, as determined by observation and experiment, gets thrown out like yesterday's newspaper.
People have said to me, 'It must be nice to prove so many people wrong,' but I've never really cared about proving anything to anybody else.
People say a lot of things about LeBron, but he just keeps having a good mentality and grinding. That's what I try to do, proving people wrong by what I do on the court.
I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing. Keep proving people wrong and proving myself right.
People can talk about my age for as long as they like. There is nothing better in football than proving people wrong, and I'll try to do that for as long as I can.
There was a part, you know, obviously there was a part of the whole I military experience that you know like hooks right into the whole boyhood experience that that you know most American boys have growing up, you know, which is proving your manhood by proving how hard you are, by proving that you can take it.
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