A Quote by Gary Vaynerchuk

The best marketing strategy ever: CARE — © Gary Vaynerchuk
The best marketing strategy ever: CARE
The best system I've ever seen for intellectual distribution is the direct selling business-also known as one-to-one marketing, network marketing, referral marketing or relationship marketing.
Creating great content that educates and informs is always the best marketing strategy.
In marketing I've seen only one strategy that can't miss - and that is to market to your best customers first, your best prospects second and the rest of the world last.
I am the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) of Marathon Agency, a new venture with my business partner Steve Carless. It's a management, branding, marketing, and business strategy. I'm in charge of marketing and branding clients like Nick Cannon, Nicki Minaj, and more.
The best marketing strategy is to destroy your industry before your competition does.
I say that the genius of the marketing strategy that we've had in every company that I've ever been in, is that if you ask your customers what they want and you give it to them, you shouldn't be shocked if they love it.
I found marketing to be highly descriptive and prescriptive, without much of a foundation in deep research. I brought in economics, organization theory, mathematics, and social psychology in my first edition of Marketing Management in 1967. Today Marketing Management is in its 15th edition and remains the world's leading textbook on marketing in MBA programs. Subsequently, I wrote two more textbooks, Principles of Marketing and Marketing: an Introduction.
Networking is marketing. Marketing yourself, marketing your uniqueness, marketing what you stand for.
When you lack cohesion, it becomes difficult to have a clear marketing strategy.
Strategy and timing are the Himalayas of marketing. Everything else is the Catskills.
The best strategy is a balance between having a deliberate one, and a flexible, or emergent strategy.
Their marketing strategy had to be changed to the young people. That's who buys the beer.
Whether that's in communications or marketing or strategy, you need people to come in with a fresh perspective.
Marketing strategy is a series of integrated actions leading to a sustainable competitive advantage.
The best strategy for making people care about what happens is if they empathize with both sides. If you just have a Villain with a capital V, it becomes very two-dimensional.
The two-war strategy is just a marketing device to justify a high [military] budget.
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