A Quote by Gemma Collins

Everyone out there is growing up too quickly, university does give you responsibility but you're still learning and you have time to go out and have fun. — © Gemma Collins
Everyone out there is growing up too quickly, university does give you responsibility but you're still learning and you have time to go out and have fun.
It was a life with purpose. And it was also a lot of fun. Fishing is fun. Hiking up mountains is fun. Building a wall out of river rocks dug up from the bottom of a glacial lake is not fun. Not at all. But it does give a work ethic that you can take anywhere in the world.
Money is not the only commodity that is fun to give. We can give time, we can give our expertise, we can give our love or simply give a smile. What does that cost? The point is, none of us can ever run out of something worthwhile to give.
I think parenting is a huge responsibility. It was in my time when I was growing up and there still continues to be that responsibility.
It's not like I'm back for bath-time and bedtime for the children. You're back when they are asleep and you go out before they wake up. Really, that time when they are young goes all too quickly.
My key to victory was that I always went out way too fast. Too fast erases every other race strategy out there. Everyone is hanging on for dear life or they give up.
Pause and remember - Slow and steady will get you where you want to go. If you put too much pressure on yourself for results too quickly, you will quickly give up.
I'm healthy enough to still skate, so I gotta go because growing up I didn't have - I mean, I grew up in Montana so... there was kind of a little half-pipe in my yard, and that was the extent of the skate terrain in Montana. So I've got to go out and make up for lost time.
One of my favorite stories growing up was A Wrinkle in Time. I loved that book. I still remember the image, so strongly, of all the kids coming out of their house at the same time, they're all bouncing a ball at the same time, and they all go back in at the same time. A Wrinkle in Time moved me deeply.
If you end up growing a character too quickly, you don't have anywhere to go after that point.
While everyone would love to have that perfect portfolio of stocks that can be bought and held forever, it usually does not work out that way. Markets, technology, and businesses change too quickly to put portfolios on autopilot.
I can't remember the last time I was out at a bar or club. I'll still drink, but I just can't remember the last time I blacked out. Which I think means I'm growing up.
I'm young. I'm 22. I'm still growing. I just feel like it's time for me to go up. After this fight, there really wouldn't be a reason for me to stay. I'm just going to go up and give the lightweights hell.
Sometimes I'll fall off the wagon, but you learn that there's a time and a place. I'm young and I wanna have fun and go crazy, but then you go home and you're a mom and you have to give all that time to your family. It's just finding out when to do what and where.
We give up what we want to give up and keep what in some way we still want to keep. There are payoffs for holding on to small, weak patterns. We have an excuse not to shine. We don't have to take responsibility for the world when we're spending all our time in emotional pain. We're too busy. The truth that sets us free is an embrace of the divine within us.
I like to go out and have fun with my friends. I have family, too, so why can't I go out to clubs? I can, and I will.
Sometimes it seems things go by too quickly. We are so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take the time to enjoy where we are.
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