A Quote by Genesis P-Orridge

Human beings are not capable of creating a thought that truly conceives of this existence. Nobody knows if we are really here, alive, or anything. It's a mystery. — © Genesis P-Orridge
Human beings are not capable of creating a thought that truly conceives of this existence. Nobody knows if we are really here, alive, or anything. It's a mystery.
Good sex is a mystery. Perhaps humping and pumping is not a mystery, but good sex is a mystery, and how human beings become truly intimate remains a mystery.
I fear human beings, because we cannot predict the swings of a human being. They are capable of doing anything. I really fear that.
The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.
Leadership is about creating a domain in which human beings continually deepen their understanding of reality and become more capable of participating in the unfolding of the world. Ultimately leadership is about creating new realities.
We're all capable of anything as human beings. Any emotion, any action. We really are.
Nobody really knows how I fight or what I'm capable of. Nobody has high expectations for me. I get to go out and prove I belong.
Keep alive the fact that a mystery has come into existence and that a physical being serves as a house for this mystery.
Leadership exists when people are no longer victims of circumstances but participate in creating new circumstances. Leadership is about creating a domain in which human beings continually deepen their understanding of reality and become more capable of participating in the unfolding of the world. Ultimately, leadership is about creating new realities.
I know that human beings are capable of anything.
Human existence is girt round with mystery: the narrow region of our experience is a small island in the midst of a boundless sea. To add to the mystery, the domain of our earthly existence is not only an island of infinite space, but also in infinite time. The past and the future are alike shrouded from us: we neither know the origin of anything which is, nor its final destination.
There is no joy other than the joy of creating. There is no man who is truly alive other than one who is creating. All others are just shadows on the earth with nothing to do with being alive. The joy of living, whether it is love or action, is the joy of creating.
Nobody really knows if there's a God - not Oprah, not Joel Osteen, not the Pope. Nobody has touched or felt or conversed with God. They say they have, but let's get real. I think that is what keeps me from coming out as an atheist. I think to myself, even the atheists don't know that there isn't a God. Nobody knows anything.
What the word God means is the mystery really. It's the mystery that we face as humans the mystery of existence, of suffering and of death.
I don't think human beings learn anything without desperation. Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything or creating anything. Period. If you ain't desperate at some point, you ain't interesting.
To be truly alive is to feel one's ultimate existence within one's daily existence.
Nobody under 55 knows anything much about life. Nobody under 30 knows anything.
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