A Quote by Geno Auriemma

Bottom line, you're either a risk taker, or your not, and if you don't take risks, you'll never win big. — © Geno Auriemma
Bottom line, you're either a risk taker, or your not, and if you don't take risks, you'll never win big.
I'm not a huge risk taker. I think that, for me, I take certain kinds of risks, but if you look at me, you wouldn't say I was a big risk taker. I'm not going to jump out of an airplane and parachute and things like that. That's not really me.
Any time you risk big you often risk losing big. You can win big but you can also lose big, but you have to be willing to take those risks.
A life lesson for me is, how do you muster the courage to take on a new risk? Whether it's starting up a business or taking on a new project or expedition. I think the risks that we take are all relative to the risk-taker.
If you weren't a risk-taker, you were always going to be a step behind. You could be the best cyclist in the world, but if you weren't a risk-taker, you weren't going to win the Tour de France.
When you have less risk, you have more fun. You can take risks. It's much easier to take risks when there's less money on the line.
I'm not a risk-taker; that's probably why I write - because when you're easily bored, but you don't like taking risks, you end up doing it all in your head.
I compensate for big risks by always doing my homework and being well-prepared. I can take on larger risks by reducing the overall risk.
The opposite of Taking A Risk is of course Playing It Safe. You must admit though, Playing It Safe is a pretty dull way to live. On a score of one to ten as a Risk Taker where do you stand? Add a little spice to your life today and take a risk.
When large companies take on risk, then they impose risks on the rest of the system. And these are systemic risks and these systemic risks we never used to think were really that important, but as soon as we recognize how the financial sector - the risks the financial sector takes on can impact the entire global economy, we realize that those risks needed to be controlled for the social good.
I don't think I'm a risk-taker. I don't think any entrepreneur is. I think that's one of those myths of commerce. The new entrepreneur is more values-led: you do what looks risky to other people because that's what your convictions tell you to do. Other companies would say I'm taking risks, but that's my path - it doesn't feel like risk to me.
I'm not a big risk-taker - being bad just wasn't worth my time or the risk of having the consequences for it. So maybe I'm a little bit lame for that.
The bottom line is you have to win the big game, and that's the Super Bowl.
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool. To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. To reach out to another is to risk involvement. To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self. To place your ideas and dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss. To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure. But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The bottom line is that I'm not putting my life at risk in my quest for perfection. However, I 'm not endorsing cosmetic surgeries. At the same time I don't condemn them either.
If you considered the risks of everything in life you wouldn't leave your house. But I am a father and a husband. I don't do these things for the hell of it. At the same time you accept the risks and acknowledge that there is a risk, that there could be a big crash or worse.
At this stage in my career, I don't have to take any big risks. You want to take a calculated risk, not one that leads to people saying 'yes, but there was that one time when she made that big mistake.' It's always a shame when that happens, especially if you've gotten by for decades without anything hugely tragic.
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