A Quote by Geoffrey Chaucer

Ful wys is he that kan hymselven knowe. — © Geoffrey Chaucer
Ful wys is he that kan hymselven knowe.
Men sholde nat knowe of Goddes pryvetee Ye, blessed be alwey, a lewed man That noght but oonly his believe kan! So ferde another clerk with astromye, He walked in the feelds, for to prye Upon the sterres, what ther sholde bifalle, Til he was in a marle-pit yfalle.
I kan noght parfitly my Paternoster as the preest it syngeth,But I kan rymes of Robyn Hood and Randolf Erl of Chestre.
For I have seyn of a ful misty morwe Folowen ful ofte a myrie someris day.
Full wise is he that can himselven knowe.
Be circumspect how you offend schollers, for knowe, a serpent tooth bites not so ill, as dooth a schollers angrie quill.
Make curiosity a wonder-ful habit.
Wyrd bith ful araed (Fate is inexorable).
God has a way of making the most miserable things...Beauti ful.
Love is not ful of pittie (as men say) But deaffe and cruell, where he meanes to pray.
This world nys but a thurghfare ful of wo, And we been pilgrymes, passynge to and fro.
A fair feeld ful of folk fond I ther bitwene -Of alle manere of men, the meene and the riche,Werchynge and wandrynge as the world asketh.
Sarah had a saying: Der gleichster veg iz ful mit shtainer." "What's it mean?" "The smoothest way is sometimes full of stones.
I didn't know if it would be a success-ful one, or what the stages would be, but I always saw myself as a lifetime musician and songwriter.
I can tell you, I was in Seoul, Korea, and I had people come up to me in the airport and say 'Congratulations on your induction into the WWE Hall of Fame.' Of course, I can go to Garden City, Kan., and get the same kind of reception. It truly is an honor.
I've seen it before. There are women who spread ruin through no fault of theirs, just by being too beautiful, too ful of life and love. They can't help it. Poeple come to them as people go to a warm fire in winter.
Pornography is just 'fast-food feminine energy', it will always leave you wanting more, with little or no nutritional value. There is nothing ful-filling about pornography, it pales in insignificance to a fully embodied loving woman.
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