A Quote by George Best

I must be the only person in the world who's looking forward to going into hospital. I can't wait to get it over and done with. — © George Best
I must be the only person in the world who's looking forward to going into hospital. I can't wait to get it over and done with.
I can't wait to get over to the U.K. for my first time ever. I've always heard how amazing the fans are over there - looking forward to experiencing it for myself.
I can't wait to do the normal things. Like just doing your own groceries. Looking for your own tomatoes. I just can't wait to get up in the morning and look awful. I'm looking forward to getting bored.
I'm just looking forward to accomplishing my goals. My two biggest goals are defending my title and to winning. It would be a full accomplishment if I can get that done. That is what I am looking forward to.
We have a plan and it's been put out on my website and people love it. If you're going to have a wait of six days, five days, two days, one day, we're going to give our great veterans the right to go out, go across the street to a private doctor or a private hospital or a public hospital, whatever happens to be in that community, without having to drive 400 miles to another hospital.
I never want to pigeonhole myself or get typecast. I'm looking forward to my career and showing all of my range as an actress, and I'm looking at other mediums, too. I'm a theater actress first. And I cannot wait to return to the stage.
The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men.
I look forward to the invention of faster-than-light travel. What I'm not looking forward to is the long wait in the dark once I arrive at my destination.
[Veterans] have been treated very badly.That includes - veterans' choice so veterans can either attend a public V.A. facility or if they have to wait online like they've been doing, sometimes for as much as seven days and then still not get proper care, they'll go to a private medical center or they'll go to a private or public or something, they will go outside .they'll go to a private doctor, they'll go to a private hospital, they'll go to a public hospital. We're going to get them care and we're going to pay for their - that care.
I'm very much looking forward to my 30-40 years of acting, and, as I get older, I'm really looking forward to some of the roles that are out there to play.
My song are more about the practical message of not wearing ourselves out just to get rich and looking at what life is really about and enjoying each and every day as opposed to the opposite of that. About living your life in a freer sense and not being bound by what people think of you and looking forward to seeing the grander scheme of who God is, what He's done and what He's doing and what He'd going to do.
The only thing a person can ever really do is keep moving forward. Take that big leap forward without hesitation, without once looking back. Simply forget the past and forge toward the future.
We are a forward-looking people, and we must have a forward-looking government.
You may have done some really nifty things in life, but if you think they're going to get you into Heaven, forget it. The only way any of us are going to get in is by receiving God's gift of grace, which is available to every person.
The only other job that I've ever had that provided that time in the morning, where you're going to work and you can't wait to get there, and the sun's rising, and you are moving towards something you look forward to, was getting up and doing every day, was being a carpenter.
I don’t like you in danger. When a man finds the only person of worth to him, that one person who matters more than anything and makes everything he’s ever seen or done or gone through worthwhile, believe me, Rikki, the urge to protect her is overwhelming. If that bothers you, then I’m sorry, because it’s going to be happening over and over throughout our years together.
I can't wait for both my daughters to be old enough to read all my books. I loved it every time I saw my parents acting like more than just my parents. And I'm looking forward to that with my daughters too. I am looking forward to having them discover me as someone completely other than their mother.
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