A Quote by George Herbert

You cannot hide an eele in a sacke. — © George Herbert
You cannot hide an eele in a sacke.

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Darkness may hide the trees and the flowers from the eyes but it cannot hide love from the soul.
There come nought out of the sacke but what was there.
Every one thinkes his sacke heaviest.
If in physics there's something you don't understand, you can always hide behind the uncharted depths of nature. You can always blame God. You didn't make it so complex yourself. But if your program doesn't work, there is no one to hide behind. You cannot hide behind an obstinate nature. If it doesn't work, you've messed up.
One graine fills not a sacke, but helpes his fellowes.
Once the light of our awareness is cast on any darkness, then it cannot hide and it cannot remain. Such is the law of consciousness.
It is agreed by most men, that the Eele is a most daintie fish; the Romans have esteemed her the Helena of their feasts, and some The Queen of pleasure.
If an evil spirit had to hide from God, it would hide in a diamond. If an angel had to hide from the Devil, it would hide in rose quartz.
In L.A. you can hide. I can hide at the beach, hide up in the hills. In Miami everybody is looking at you.
Today with technological advancement, with the Internet, with planes, with the rate at which we travel - even if you wanted, you cannot hide from the rest of the world. And whether you like it or not, you are part of this global marketplace, and so you might as well understand it, you might as well embrace it, because even if you hide, it will find you.
You cannot hide the soul.
If you are a lighthouse, you cannot hide yourself; if you hide yourself, you cannot be a lighthouse!
I love Jesus, and I cannot hide that.
Confess to the misdeeds you cannot hide.
He that has a secret should not only hide it, but hide that he has it to hide.
You cannot hide yourself from any situation.
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