A Quote by George Herbert

Water a farre off quencheth not fire. — © George Herbert
Water a farre off quencheth not fire.

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If a house is burning, and bucket of water is thrown on the blaze and doesn't extinguish the fire, this doesn't mean that water won't put out fire. It means we need more water. And so with nonviolence.
He that lives well sees a farre off.
They that know one another salute a farre off.
People say to me, 'Why don't you fight fire with fire?' You fight fire with water, not fire.
If your fire begins to flame, don't spray water on it, which most people do. Instead, just close your dampers and the fire will go out because fire must have oxygen.
Sweat doesn't fall off you. The water just accumulates until it gets too big and agitated and falls off like a sphere of water. It then floats around until it hits something. It takes a lot of water to fall off. Usually it just hangs on, so you get a quick build-up of sweat when working out.
Ships feare fire more then water. [Ships fear fire more than water.]
Water, fire, and souldiers, quickly make roome. [Water, fire, and soldiers quickly make room.]
The Black Panther Party stood up and said that we don't care what anybody says. We don't think fighting fire with fire is best; we think you fight fire with water best.
Democracy is more dangerous than fire. Fire can't vote itself immune to water.
Civilization did not come with fire. It came with the discovery of how to use fire to heat water.
You don't extinguish fire by adding more fire, you need water.
In the Greek way of dealing with alchemy, which was earth, air, fire and water, these were the objective qualities. Within the objective qualities - things of earth, air, fire and water - are our subjective experiences of hot, cold, dry, and moist.
Take rainwater kept for several years, and mix a sextarius of this water with a pound of honey The whole is exposed to the sun for 40 days, and then left on a shelf near the fire. If you have no rain water, then boil spring water.
The gross elements are earth, water, air and fire, with the fifth being space. Each particle of the body is made up of these five elements, which are manifested in different colors. In their true quality, space is blue light, water is white, earth is yellow, fire is red, and air is green.
I have been waiting twenty years for someone to say to me: "You have to fight fire with fire" so that I could reply, "That's funny-I always use water."
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