A Quote by George Herbert

Hee that stumbles and falles not, mends his pace. — © George Herbert
Hee that stumbles and falles not, mends his pace.

Quote Topics

Hee that falles into the durt, the longer he stayes there, the fowler he is.
If thou wouldst be justified, acknowledge thine injustice. He that confesses his sin, begins his journey toward salvation. He that is sorry for it, mends his pace. He that forsakes it, is at his journey's end.
Justice divine Mends not her slowest pace for prayers or cries.
Hee hee hee! You should've seen the look on your face!" "If mom and dad cared about me at all, they'd buy me some infra-red nighttime vision goggles.
I don't play Hollywood maids, the hee-hee kind of people who are so in love with their madam's children they have no time for their own.
A horse stumbles that hath foure legges. [A horse stumbles that has four legs.]
God's relationship with man does not work in a way in which man stumbles and then God has to drop what he is doing in order to lift him up; rather, man stumbles so that God can lift him up. Hence it is utterly impossible to truly diminish his glory.
Even the tired horse, when he comes near home, mends pace: be good always, without weariness, but best at last; that the nearer thou comest to the end of thy days, the nearer thou mayest be to the end of thy hopes, the salvation of thy soul.
Marriage indeed may qualify the fury of his passion, but it very rarely mends a man's manners.
Hee that strikes with his tongue, must ward with his head.
Hee that workes after his owne manner, his head akes not at the matter.
I remember after I dated this white man, nobody said anything but there was a couple of men in my family that joked after that. 'Oh yeah, we had a party when y'all broke up. Hee hee hee.' And, you know, they laughed, and it was like light and a joke. But, you know, that's real. That was real and they let me know. And, it's almost acceptable within our culture to be prejudiced toward whites because of our history. This country is loaded with racism .
All that shakes falles not.
Hee is not free that drawes his chaine.
Hee that should have what hee hath not, should doe what he doth not.
But it's for every writer to decide his own pace, and the pace varies with the writer and the work.
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