A Quote by George Orwell

One's got to change the system, or one changes nothing. — © George Orwell
One's got to change the system, or one changes nothing.
If you talk about change but don't change the reward and recognition system, nothing changes.
The problem with always being a conformist is that when you try to change the system from within, it's not you who changes the system; it's the system that will eventually change you.
I've been around the government system and believe me it's built to spend. You've got to change the system, otherwise it's like asking a cultivator to do what a combine does, it just doesn't fit, it won't get it done. You've got to change the system.
The mistake you make, don't you see,is in thinking one can live in a corrupt society without being corrupt oneself. After all, what do you achieve by refusing to make money? You're trying to behave as though one could stand right outside our economic system. But one can't. One's got to change the system, or one changes nothing. One can't put things right in a hole-and-corner way, if you take my meaning.
You can't change anyone else but people do change in relationship to your change. All relationships are a system, and when any one part of a system changes, it affects the other part.
Nothing changes, until you change. Everything changes, once you change
The business changes. The technology changes. The team changes. The team members change. The problem isn't change, per se, because change is going to happen; the problem, rather, is the inability to cope with change when it comes.
You have to get an individual who's willing to actually struggle with the system to change it. As long as you have people who - to make substantive changes, to make infrastructure changes.
It’s funny how life can change so much but still nothing changes at all. Or maybe it’s that life changes, but you as a person don’t or maybe we adjust, but don’t actually change.
Change your mind and it will change your life. If nothing around you changes, changes the things that are around you.
Every system tries to get people to conform to support that system. That goes for communism, socialism, free enterprise, or any other civilization. If they don't demand loyalty, they can't keep their civilization together. So what they do is they teach things that would support an established system. We do not advocate an established system. TVP talks of an emergent system into state of change. So that we always prepare people for the next changes coming ahead. So that people will not cling to the past.
Our lives change. Our feelings for each other change. Our bearings change. The song changes. The air changes. The temperature of the shower changes. Accept this. We must accept this.
But that's the challenge -- to change the system more than it changes you.
You need to be very critical of yourself because MMA is a singular sport. You have to make the changes yourself or nothing will change. You have to be the one making the changes.
People want real changes, and they understand that we have to change the system.
We talk nonstop about what needs to be changed, and everyone has excuses for why the changes can't happen. I believe we must change our educational system first to get the changes moving forward. I'm happy to be a voice and get in front of an audience who can help by making education a priority.
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