A Quote by George S. Clason

The reason why we have never found measure of wealth. We never sought it. — © George S. Clason
The reason why we have never found measure of wealth. We never sought it.
I have never sought the reason why I write.
Like other men, I have sought honours and preferment, and often have obtained them beyond my wishes or hopes. Yet never have I found in them that content which I had figured beforehand in my mind. A strong reason, if we well consider it, why we should disencumber ourselves of vain desires.
In Lilly's eyes her beautiful clear water eyes there is what I have sought and never found, wanted and never had, hoped for and never discovered. Love.
I have never gone out of fashion. And do you know why? Because I never sought it. When you don't seek it, it's always with you.
I just don't know the art of making friends with girls. And that's the reason why I've never had a single girl as a friend. Also, I'm so engrossed in cricket that I've never found an opportunity to interact with girls very closely. In a way, it's better, as my mind doesn't get diverted!
Never use money to measure wealth, son.
Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service.
Happiness that is sought for ourselves alone can never be found.
Beauty and Truth, tho' never found, are worthy to be sought.
I think the reason why I have so many movies to my credit is that I never say no to any project, I never veto anything. I sort of challenge myself to do stuff, even if it's something that I've never done before.
Youth calls to age across the tired years: 'What have you found,' he cries, 'what have you sought?" 'What have you found,' age answers through his tears, 'What have you sought.
For some reason, I never get sick. I don't know why, but I just don't. I have never missed a day of work or practice.
The strength and weakness of physicists is that we believe in what we can measure. And if we can't measure it, then we say it probably doesn't exist. And that closes us off to an enormous amount of phenomena that we may not be able to measure because they only happened once. For example, the Big Bang. ... That's one reason why they scoffed at higher dimensions for so many years. Now we realize that there's no alternative.
Tell them dear, that if eyes were made for seeing, Then beauty is its own excuse for being: Why thou wert there, O rival of the rose! I never sought to ask, I never knew: But, in my simple ignorance suppose The selfsame power that brought me there brought you.
What sought they thus afar? Bright jewels of the mine, The wealth of seas, the spoils of war? They sought a faith's pure shrine.
I've never really gone out and told people, 'I'm a Christian. I believe in God, and that is the reason why I'm successful. That is the reason why I'm still here doing what I'm doing.'
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