A Quote by George Santayana

Even under the most favorable circumstances no mortal can be asked to seize the truth in its wholeness or at its center. — © George Santayana
Even under the most favorable circumstances no mortal can be asked to seize the truth in its wholeness or at its center.
The most favorable moment to seize a man and influence him is when he is alone in the mass. It is at this point that propaganda can be most effective.
Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favorable light at all times and under all circumstances.
Anxiety prepares the organism badly for an ordeal which even under more favorable circumstances would not be an easy thing to bear.
In war there is but one favorable moment; the great art is to seize it!
There is only one favorable moment in war; talent consists in knowing how to seize it.
It's difficult for democracy to function properly under the most favorable circumstances, but it has no chance at all when millions of voters are divorced from objective reality and incapable of understanding what is going on in Washington.
Resentment is at work when one so hates somebody for his more favorable circumstances that one is prepared to bear heavy losses if only the hated one might also come to harm. Many of those who attack capitalism know very well that their situation under any other economic system will be less favorable.
The producer is at the center of entertainment. The producer is being forgotten, and producers must seize the center of activity.
Anyone who is kind to man knows the fragmentariness of most men, and wants to arrange a society of power in which men fall naturally into a collective wholeness, since they cannot have an individual wholeness. In this collective wholeness they will be fulfilled. But if they make efforts at individual fulfilment, they must fail for they are by nature fragmentary.
In all circumstances in the world - even the most difficult circumstances - we need to push for dialogue.
... imprisonment itself, entailing loss of liberty, loss of citizenship, separation from family and loved ones, is punishment enough for most individuals, no matter how favorable the circumstances under which the time is passed.
Life changes when you least expect it to. The future is uncertain. So, seize this day, seize this moment, and make the most of it.
The happiness which brings enduring worth to life is not the superficial happiness that is dependent on circumstances. It is the happiness and contentment that fills the soul even in the midst of the most distressing of circumstances and most bitter environment.
Healing is the return of the memory of wholeness. Healing, health, whole and holy all mean inclusiveness. Body, mind, spirit, environment, relationships, social interactions are all one wholeness, and you're a part of that one wholeness.
To be mortal is the most basic human experience, and yet man has never been able to accept it, grasp it, and behave accordingly. Man doesn't know how to be mortal. And when he dies, he doesn't even know how to be dead.
[P]opulation, when unchecked, goes on doubling itself every twenty-five years, or increases in a geometrical ratio. ... [T]he means of subsistence, under circumstances the most favorable to human industry, could not possibly be made to increase faster than in an arithmetical ratio.
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