A Quote by George Weigel

Freedom that lacks moral truth becomes its own worst enemy. — © George Weigel
Freedom that lacks moral truth becomes its own worst enemy.
The worst enemy of truth and freedom in our society is the compact majority.
The worst enemy of life, freedom and the common decencies is total anarchy; their second worst enemy is total efficiency.
As truth is Washington's worst enemy, everyone associated with the truth is Washington's enemy.
The biggest obstacle I've had to overcome is loving myself 100%. And that's still a battle. I love myself, but sometimes you can be your own worst enemy. And I think I've been my worst enemy in life, because others haven't been able to do anything to me unless I allowed them to do it.
Truth affirms freedom of speech. Putin is no friend of reli - freedom of speech. Putin is an enemy of freedom of religion. The U.S. celebrates freedom of religion. Putin is an enemy of the free press. The U.S. celebrates free press. Putin is an enemy of political dissent. The U.S. celebrates political dissent and the right for people to argue free from violence about places or ideas that are in conflict.
Only a law-order which holds to the primacy of God's law can bring forth true freedom, freedom for justice, truth, and godly life. Freedom as an absolute is simply an assertion of man's "right" to be his own god; this means a radical denial of God's law-order. "Freedom" thus is another name for the claim by man to divinity and autonomy. It means that man becomes his own absolute.
It is important for America that the moral truths which make freedom possible should be passed on to each new generation. Every generation of Americans needs to know that freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought. ... Christ asks us to guard the truth because, as he promised us: "You will know the truth and the truth will make you free." Depositum custodi! We must guard the truth that is the condition of authentic freedom, the truth that allows freedoms to be fulfilled in goodness. We must guard the deposit of divine truth handed down to us.
The entire political system is contrary to everything a feminine heart stands for. It lacks inclusion. It lacks tenderness toward children. It lacks honor for relationships. It lacks reverence for the earth. It lacks love. And without those things, the feminine psyche disconnects.
Unless the will is free, man has no freedom; and if he has no freedom he is not a moral agent, that is, he is incapable of moral action and also of moral character.
I would not give my first 15 years to my worst enemy, and I don't even have a worst enemy.
He gossips habitually; he lacks the common wisdom to keep still that deadly enemy of man, his own tongue.
When I look back, I don't have regrets. In the moment I am really, really hard on myself, I'm definitely my own worst critic and can be my own worst enemy, and I'm trying very hard not to be that.
I'm always my own worst enemy. I'm like, 'Every show's my last.' I'm a lunatic, but that's my own issue. If I had time, I'd spend it in therapy, let's be honest. But I don't, so I'll remain crazy. But the truth is, you want it to be good for the audience, TV Guide. Because a lot of times as a producer you put so much into your shows and when you see the network putting stuff into it too, it gets exciting.
He that lacks time to mourn, lacks time to mend: Eternity mourns that. 'Tis an ill cure For life's worst ills to have no time to feel them.
They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth.
If some incarnation of evil as unambiguous as Hitler appeared again, I would have no moral qualms about killing the enemy. But in the modern world of moral murkiness, I prefer to keep my hands as clean of enemy blood as possible.
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