Never stop moving, or you'll stop moving. I go to dance class every morning, and it's just good to stay strong; I like being healthy.
Standing still is never an option so long as inequities remain embedded in the very fabric of the culture.
I don't believe that you are ever done. Is life ever going to stop and stand still? We have to move as fast as the world is moving.
I always keep my head down, working, doing things, moving forward. That's what I've done all my life. Then you stop and realize what you've done.
The one certainly for anyone in the path of an avalanche is this: standing still is not an option.
Self - development should be a perpetual process. In life you are either growing or rotting. You're moving forward or backwards; there is no standing still.
I can't stop moving. I'm like this weird insect. I can't sit still in real life.
There's this joy that comes from sitting down to solve a problem and standing up when it's done and good. Building a company or managing people is never just done.
I grew up in a household where the FryDaddy was always bubbling, and butter and salt were never in short supply. I've never been one to choose the healthy option over the non-healthy option if the healthy option was lacking in taste. I believe a little bad is good for you from time to time. When it comes to maintaining a healthy soul, nothing beats traveling.
I've been scared and battered. My hopes the wind done scattered. Snow has friz me, Sun has baked me, Looks like between 'em they done Tried to make me Stop laughin', stop lovin', stop livin'-- But I don't care! I'm still here!
There is no standing still because time is moving forward.
It may look like I'm moving but I'm standing still.
I struggle with my training sometimes. The thing I look at is if you keep getting up and moving forward, you'll be successful. That's the way I've lived my life. I'm not going to stop doing something because somebody says it's time. I'm going to stop it when my body says it's over or the fans say, 'we're done watching you.'
Progressiveness means not standing still when everything else is moving.
I've always been better moving than I am standing still.
There shouldn't be a death in the ring. There should never have been deaths in the ring, because people - deaths in the ring occur because they don't keep up with the records well enough. They are putting mismatches together. The people who are licensed to stop a fight, the referee and the corner, don't do it for fear that the audience is going to object to them stopping a fight.