A Quote by Georges St-Pierre

One of my favorite Japanese proverbs is "Fall down 7 times, stand up 8". — © Georges St-Pierre
One of my favorite Japanese proverbs is "Fall down 7 times, stand up 8".
A Japanese proverb says fall seven times, stand up eight. We can also say this: Hate zero times, love infinitely!
It's not whether you fall or make a mistake, it's what you do when you fall. And I say you stand up. You keep standing up. It's not how many times you fall, it's how many times you stand up.
You're going to fall down, but the world doesn't care how many times you fall down, as long as it's one fewer than the numbers of times you get back up.
In life you can fall down 1000 times but the point is to have the willingness to stand up and to start again.
Fall down seven times, stand up eight. - Chinese proverbWithout music, life would be a mistake.
Spiritual growth is like learning to walk. We stand up, fall, stand up, fall, take a step, fall, take a couple of steps, fall, walk a little better, wobble a bit, fall, run, and finally, eventually fly.
The people who come out on top in music business have persistence. It is key! Fall down seven times; stand up eight. It takes a lot of courage and an unwavering belief in yourself and your abilities.
Man, you learn so much just like with anything else. If you do something long enough, you learn. You make mistakes. You run into roadblocks and barriers. You overcome obstacles. You fall down. I mean you have to fall down to learn to stand up.
I would always fall down the big main staircase in our house. My favorite thing in the world was to pretend to be horribly killed at the top of it, and to fall dramatically down to the bottom of it.
A mature person does not fall in love, he or she rises in love. Only immature people fall; they stumble and fall down in love. Somehow they were managing and standing. Now they cannot manage and they cannot stand. They were always ready to fall on the ground and to creep. They don't have the backbone, the spine; they don't have the integrity to stand alone.
I loved Japanese culture before even realizing it was, in fact, Japanese culture. The cartoons and anime I was watching as a child, my favorite video games, and even in pro wrestling - my favorite wrestlers and matches originated in Japan.
'Final Fantasy VII' is my favorite video game, and I had a conversation on Up Up Down Down, and I don't wanna say who is my favorite character, but my default would be Sephiroth.
There are many ways to fall down, but there's only one way to stand up straight.
They didn't incarcerate the Japanese-Americans in Hawaii. That's the place that was bombed. But the Japanese-American population was about 45 percent of the island of Hawaii. And if they extracted those Japanese-Americans, the economy would have collapsed. But on the mainland, we were thinly spread out up and down the West Coast.
Fall down nine times, get up ten.
Fall down seven times, get up eight.
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