I work out with Pilates - it's a great workout for body alignment. I work out every day with once a week break. I mix it with weight training and cardio.
I work out six days a week. I do pilates, Bikram yoga and spinning. Every once in awhile, I'll throw weights in. I like to get some kind of cardio in every day, even if it's just hiking.
I have a personal trainer who comes home. I work out three times a week for an hour each and focus on concentrated body weight training and cardio. Honestly, I don't always work out if I am too busy with shoots.
I've always had bad posture, and Pilates makes me feel taller and reminds me to keep my shoulders back. And hiking isn't just about doing cardio, it's also when I can get my 'me time' to be alone with my thoughts. After Pilates I should do some cardio, and after hiking, I need to do some resistance training.
For weight gain, one must do cardio in the evening and for weight loss, in the morning. So, while gaining weight, I did weight training in the mornings and light cardio in the evenings.
I try and work out every day if possible, or as many times as possible in a week. I concentrate on one body part at a time, and spend at least two to two-and-a-half hours on really intense weight training.
Before I got pregnant, I was doing Pilates a couple times a week, and I actually loved Pilates. I noticed a difference with my core, which is my problem area, so that was nice. For me, I don't do a lot of cardio. I lift more weights.
I love to do Pilates, boxing and even just going on a run. I do cardio twice a week as it's important for people who want to eat lots like me! I do Pilates ones a week.
I normally work out six days a week. I'll do Pilates on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, and I'll do cardio on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
I work out seven days a week, and I love every minute of it. It really is a way just to get away. I weight train and do cardio and stay active as much as possible every day; I have to just to clear my head. I love to get into the gym.
I'll work out with my trainer twice a week, and I'll do some Power Pilates and might throw in some yoga. I love to row also. The main thing for me is just to move every single day for 30 minutes to an hour.
If I can go every day of the week, that's great and I'll do it. Usually I can't, so it's about 4 or 5 times a week that I'll go to the gym. I just do cardio and make sure I tone. I love spin class and yoga and I work a lot on my legs and my abs and my arms.
When I'm not filming full-time, I work out four times a week doing body weight exercises and weights. I'll do a leg day maybe with some abs, then the next day I'll do my arms.
I attend dance class every alternate day, and it works like a cardio workout for me. I also do weight training in the gym every alternate day.
I had a few months of physical prep where I was training six hours a day - I was doing an hour and a bit of yoga, I would do a couple hours of cardio and weight-lifting, and then I would do an hour or maybe two of martial arts training.
I work out every day, but my idea is to make something short. I work out a maximum half hour. I only do like 20 minutes of cardio, and I do some stretching and some light weights, and I'm out of there.