A Quote by Gerald Green

I'm always looking at the ball and making sure it goes in. I'm not looking at where I'm at or what level I'm at in height. — © Gerald Green
I'm always looking at the ball and making sure it goes in. I'm not looking at where I'm at or what level I'm at in height.
When I talk to a man, I can always tell what he's thinking by where he is looking. If he is looking at my eyes, he is looking for intelligence. If he is looking at my mouth, he is looking for wisdom. But if he is looking anywhere else except my chest he's looking for another man.
I think good publicists are just like good mommies - always looking out, making sure folks are comfortable and making sure that folks are on time and making sure that folks are getting what they need and know what they need to do.
I'm the baby for sure. My siblings are looking out for me, making sure I'm not doing something stupid. They are making sure my head is set straight and that I'm a good person outside of skating and inside of it, too.
You watch Silva, and he almost never gives the ball away. He is always looking, thinking, making the right calls.
I like to take every day just searching my own heart, making sure that I'm on course, and I'm doing what God wants me to do. I'm real good with not looking to the critics and looking straight ahead.
We're looking to make sure things are fair, and we're always looking at ways to lower taxes for the middle class and raise them on the wealthiest one per cent.
Asset management CEOs globally are looking at their business models. They're looking at costs, they're looking at making their businesses more efficient, because they're seeing revenues under pressure all over the world.
Even before I'm on the ball, I'm always looking to see where I can pass the ball.
You don't cover the federal government or policy-making or legislating, or you shouldn't, I should say, because you are looking for a scandal or you're looking for a personality-driven story, or you're looking for stories about people's love lives. That's not really what we do here.
Exile is a dream of a glorious return. Exile is a vision of revolution: Elba, not St Helena. It is an endless paradox: looking forward by always looking back. The exile is a ball hurled high into the air.
We always joke now like, you know, the more experienced we get making stuff, we're like, "Never leave set without a shot of each of our lead characters driving in the car looking happy, looking moderately blank and looking sad." Because we know we're going to need these things.
As a big man you may struggle to get much height when jumping for a ball - but by training with your defender team-mates you can develop a technique for making strong challenges in the air, making defenders uncomfortable and work on taking the ball down.
What is important is to have a positive intent right from the start, and positive intent doesn't always mean looking for the big shots. Positive intention when it comes to defending a ball or looking for a single.
We're looking to identify funds if we can. We're also looking at other resources to assist the government in making this a reality, ... At this point, we don't have a particular source of funding for that but we're still looking if we could help in finding another way to assist.
It's often hope, hopeful movie making. You're always looking for catchphrases. That's always funny, when you're looking for that future line. "Uh oh, future line. Okay."
They don't really teach you how to be famous and a lot of people don't realise that this game comes with a lot of traps. So I'm just looking after myself, looking after my health and making sure I don't fall into those traps.
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