A Quote by Gervinho

We try to keep our heads cool and our chins up to win every weekend. Sometimes it works better than others but you have to focus on the positive side so for that next game you still have the right state of mind.
We stay strong. We stay positive, keep our heads up, love one another, spread love. The Devil can't win when you have God on your side.
Let's keep our chins up and our knees down - we're on the victory side.
We suffer more often in imagination than in reality. [We must learn to control and focus the force of our imagination on the good, bright side so it is positive and constructive helping ourselves and others, rather than let its force focus on the bad, dark side so it is negative and destructive hurting ourselves and others!]
I try to focus on the next week and the next game every time, focus on what I'm doing right now and just to continue to improve every single day. If I do that, I should have a good future.
We're just going to come out and play. We know that we're supposed to win all the games, but if we don't, we just have to take the next game and focus on what we did wrong in the game before and just try to do better at the next game.
Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but the mind has to be ready for the next game and get focused for the next game and helps you for next win.
Many of us are slaves to our minds. Our own mind is our worst enemy. We try to focus, and our mind wanders off. We try to keep stress at bay, but anxiety keeps us awake at night. We try to be good to the people we love, but then we forget them and put ourselves first.
Just before a game, I try to keep a clear mind so that I can focus better. I'm the kind of person who plays fast and relies a lot on intuition, so being at peace with myself is vital. Saying my daily prayers helps me achieve this heightened state of mind.
I think this is our ninth one-goal game this year. We lost three by one and this is our sixth win by one. Unfortunately, the guys are used to being in these kinds of situations and made some pretty good adjustments down the stretch to win the game. I thought our defense played great all game long. While we didn't have it at one half, we picked it up on the other side of the field. I'm proud of the guys. Any win this time of year is a great win.
We were playing every game to win, we just happened to win 27 in a row. Our motto was to try and go out and win every game, but there's nothing really to talk about.
Our focus is to see that we are growing faster than the industry and, whichever product we launch, we do better than competition. We try and manage our operations better than competition. Essentially, we try to be better than what we were the previous year.
The players are coming to try every game, every weekend, so that the Manchester City people can be proud, and we will see what is our level to achieve our battles.
And even if we win, if we win, HAH! Even if we win! Even if we play so far above our heads that our noses bleed for a week to ten days; even if God in Heaven above comes down and points his hand at our side of the field; even if every man woman and child held hands together and prayed for us to win, it just wouldn't matter because all the really good looking girls would still go out with the guys from Mohawk because they've got all the money! It just doesn't matter if we win or we lose. IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER! It just doesn't matter! It just doesn't matter!
The reality is it's still in our hands. We have to play four real good games against the Angels. If we take three of four we're still two back and then we'd need help. We'd still be breathing, but we'd need help. We'll shoot all our bullets to try and win that game (Monday) and worry about the next day when we get there.
Champions are not the ones who always win races - champions are the ones who get out there and try. And try harder the next time. And even harder the next time. 'Champion' is a state of mind. They are devoted. They compete to best themselves as much if not more than they compete to best others. Champions are not just athletes.
When people say (nice) things you take them as compliments and it's nice, but it won't help you win your next game. The thing I am trying to keep in mind is that relying on my past performance will not make me win my next game, it'll only get in my way.
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