A Quote by Giada De Laurentiis

I wasn't looking to get into TV. My family was in the movie business, so I was never interested in that world. — © Giada De Laurentiis
I wasn't looking to get into TV. My family was in the movie business, so I was never interested in that world.
If your family was part of the movie business, then watching 'Moguls & Movie Stars' is like looking at the family photo album: hilarious to members of the family, numbingly boring to those outside the family circle.
I never thought I would get such a perfect role in 'Modern Family.' A lot of TV shows now are looking for more Latin women.
I was never that interested in business, to be honest. I do the minimal amount of business as possible because I'm not actually interested in it as a thing. But some people are interested in it, and there's nothing wrong with that.
I grew up in a town with no movie theater. TV was my only link to the outside world. Film wasn't such a big deal to me. It was TV. So much so, that when I meet TV stars now... Not my co-workers, but real TV stars, I get nervous. I freak out around them.
I never thought of myself as being that good looking, I was an actor, people saw me on television, and then they start to think you're good looking because of that presentation. I was no better looking before the show, than after - and before the TV show I couldn't get a date to save my life. So what changed? Did I suddenly become more good looking? No. I got lucky, I got a TV show. That's what happened.
The secret to the movie business, or any business, is to get a good education in a subject besides film - whether it's history, psychology, economics, or architecture - so you have something to make a movie about. All the skill in the world isn't going to help you unless you have something to say.
We feel like we're kind of movie guys working in TV. So we're looking forward to that day when we get to work in that medium.
I have never found out that there was in my family an artist or anyone interested in the arts or sciences, and I have never been sufficiently interested in my 'family tree' to bother. My father and mother had come to America on one of those great waves of immigration that followed persecution and pogroms in Czarist Russia and Poland.
I'm a musician. I've done TV, but I've never really been a reality TV star, and it's not the route I'm looking to go down, and when I do TV, I want it to be connected to music.
Hollywood is the backdrop of my family, and I know that the movie business is incredibly cruel as you get older.
We get along real well actually [with my husband Karl Tomas Din]. We give each other space and he's not in the business and he doesn't want to be. I'm interested in his world, he's interested in mine, but we have our own things that we do together.
Films for TV have to be much closer to the book, mainly because the objective with a TV movie that translates literature is to get the audience, after seeing this version, to pick up the book and read it themselves. My attitude is that TV can never really be any form of art, because it serves audience expectations.
[Virginia Madsen] big part in that movie ['Class'] required her shirt to get ripped off, and looking back, it couldn't be a more egregious, vintage, lowbrow, 1980s Porky's-esque, shoehorned-in moment. Like, you would never have that moment in a movie that aspired to be what that movie did today.
Storytelling is all about using the imagination, for me at least it is. That's why I'm bored sometimes to see movies. I'm bored to see TV. I never see TV. I see news sometimes. I'm sorry to say, I work in this business and I love working in it, but I haven't seen a movie in so many years.
I thought, 'As if I'm going to win a TV show, let alone get a record deal.' I'm going to go on TV with all these beautiful pop star-looking people? I'll never win.
I'm looking to produce more stuff: TV shows, commercials, music videos and short films. I'm building my catalog so I can have some fun in between the times that I get to a movie.
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