A Quote by Gilbert K. Chesterton

To the humble man, and to the humble man alone, the sun is really a sun; to the humble man, and to the humble man alone, the sea is really a sea. — © Gilbert K. Chesterton
To the humble man, and to the humble man alone, the sun is really a sun; to the humble man, and to the humble man alone, the sea is really a sea.
The foundation of humility is truth. The humble man sees himself as he is. If his depreciation of himself were untrue,... it wouldnot be praiseworthy, and would be a form of hypocrisy, which is one of the evils of Pride. The man who is falsely humble, we know from our own experience, is one who is falsely proud.
I can talk about humility, but I'm not humble. I mean, if you say, I'm humble, you've just contradicted yourself. But I'm trying to be, man, I'm trying so hard.
Always humble yourself lovingly before God and man, because God speaks to those who are truly humble of heart, and enriches them with His gifts.
Kindness and humbleness are really good qualities to possess. But, if you have to use the word humble, it means you're not humble. And if you're not humble to this world, this world will thrust humbleness upon you.
I've met a lot of big stars who have humility. Sly Stallone is a very humble guy. Robert DeNiro is a really humble guy. Some of the women aren't so humble for some reason. I don't know why.
God will have a humble people. Either we can choose to be humble, or we can be compelled to be humble.
Humility does not mean weakness. It does not mean timidity. It does not mean fear. A man can be humble and fearless. A man can be humble and courageous.
Do not imagine that if you meet a really humble man he will be what most people call "humble" nowadays: he will not be a sort of greasy, smarmy person, who is always telling you that, of course, he is a nobody. Probably all you will think about him is that he seemed a cheerful, intelligent chap who took a real interest in what you said to him.
You can do one of two things: You can humble yourself or life will humble you. I think it's a lot easier to find a way to humble yourself.
The more humble a man is before God the more he will be exalted; the more humble he is before man, the more he will get rode roughshod.
I am not the same man I was 35 years ago. And I hope that five years and ten years from now, I'll be a better man, a more mature man, a wiser man, a more humble man and a more spirited man to serve the good of my people and the good of humanity.
Man must be at once more humble and more confident; more humble in the face of destructive potentials of what he can achieve, more confident of his own humanity as against computers and robots which are only engines to simulate him.
You have to learn humility. First of all you have to be humble people. Unless and until you have a large heart you can never humble down. You have to be an extremely humble person. Humility doesn't mean that you bow to a person who is dominating, it never means that. But it means a strength within you. The person who is weak can never be humble.
I moved to Humble under really unfortunate circumstances obviously, Hurricane Katrina, so our family was displaced here for four months. Humble was a home for us.
The humble man makes room for progress; the proud man believes he is already there.
A modest man is steady, an humble man timid, and a vain one presumptuous.
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