A Quote by Gina Gershon

The critics tend to forget their own answers after a while. — © Gina Gershon
The critics tend to forget their own answers after a while.
The critics tend to forget their own answers after a while
While testimonies can come as dramatic manifestations, they usually do not. Sometimes people think they need to have an experience like Joseph Smith's vision before they gain testimonies. If we have unrealistic expectations of how, when, or where answers come, we risk missing the answers which come as quiet, reassuring feelings and thoughts that most often come after our prayers, while we are doing something else. These answers can be equally convincing and powerful.
It is strange but true that although we may have learned all sorts of important facts while raising our own children, when we become grandparents we still tend to forget a whole lot of things we knew.
I feel like we tend to be our own worst critics.
The artist must forget the audience, forget the critics, forget the technique, forget everything but love for the music. Then, the music speaks through the performance, and the performer and the listener will walk together with the soul of the composer, and with God.
I read reviews of critics I respect and feel I can learn something from. Right now there are a lot of bottom-feeder critics who just have access to a computer and don't necessarily have an academic or cinema background that I can detect, so I tend to ignore that and stay with the same top-tier critics that I've come to respect. I like reading a good review - it doesn't have to be favorable, but a well-thought-out one - because I very much appreciate the relationship of directors and critics.
When you stop playing for a while, people tend to forget about you.
I tend to forget what I'm doing will ever be read while I'm writing it, and just get on with the task at hand.
Answers? Forget answers. The spectacle is all in the questions.
Well, I think critics are very useful. But I think that they, in a way, betray their position when they stop people looking for themselves. Judgment is very easy, but I think, on the whole, professional critics maybe see too much, and compare too much, and forget the joy of actually looking and contemplating for its own sake.
In city after city, newspaper after newspaper has diminished its staff of critics, sometimes to zero. Film and T.V. critics have been dropped and not replaced. Maybe they're deemed unnecessary because nobody cares if anything's good or not.
We give so much to others that sometimes we tend to forget our own feelings.
How are you managing to keep everyone from aging?” Celia asks after a while. “Very carefully,” Marco answers.
Lionel Richie told me forget about the critics. But if you come back with hit after hit, you don't have to worry about anything.
Writers are rarely their own best critics, nor are critics.
I listen to my songs so many times that I tend to lose objectivity. After I hear a tune around 30 times, I keep it aside, and revisit it after a while. Then, it starts sounding fresh again.
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